Chapter 3

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Hanji was humming with a big smile on her face, waiting for Eren to pick up. She was sitting on her table, closing her eyes every time the breeze travelled through the doorway and in her office. 

She knew for the first time she saw the newcomer, she could tell right away that this was the perfect Omega for Eren.

Surprisingly, he's near healthy with only a few traces of the suppressants running on his blood stream and low in vitamin D.

Unlike any other Omegas that was rescued, this one was different. His not thin like the others, instead, he had more muscle in him. His skin was smooth, plus, no scars or anything which was odd that this omega was rescued from an illegal pit fight. To top that, he's unmated.

"Erwin clearly said that he's one of Kenny Ackerman's fighter. But somehow I can't see that.. Hmm... I need more data." Hanji save thought for later when she's done bothering Eren.

Eren was still not picking up but Hanji knew that Eren would give up in- 5. 4. 3. 2. and-

She flinched as she felt a pair of predatorial eyes behind her. In a half second, she could feel that those eyes were eating her alive. 

She shivered involuntarily as she slowly turned around. Instead of a hungry beast, Hanji found a short raven-haired Omega standing before the entrance of her doorway, glaring at her. Chills ran down her spine, paralyzing her body. It was like watching a tiger stalking its prey.

Hanji hadn't noticed that her phone slid out of her hand, causing a loud thud that ripped the intense silence and snapped them both from the trance.

The Omega quickly turned his attention towards the hallway and ran.

"Wait!" She shouted, dashing out of the her office.

She just realized that it was the newcomer. He's not suppose to wake up now, especially after the suppressant removal.

The moment she passed out her doorway, Petra crashed into her.

"Ahh!" Petra rubbed her forehead and trying to maintain her balance. Hanji quickly aid her.

"Petra! Why is he-"

"He shoved me! And beat up Oluo and Gunther!" Petra's hands were shaking.

"Dr. Zoe! He's trying to jump out of the window!" One of the nurses that followed Petra shouted.

The Omega was boosting himself up on the window, readying himself to jump. Hanji's panicking intensifies.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Hanji shouted distracting the Omega. The Omega paused and glared at them.

"We're here to help you! We mean you no harm!" Ignoring the chill runnind down her spine, she tried to smile. The Omega just clicked his tongue and jumped out of the window.

"NO!" Hanji dashed to the window and looked down at the running Omega.

"H-How?" Hanji couldn't believe it, that the Omega just jumped at the second floor and landed unharmed.

Petra was busy with her phone informing the guards in the area, while the rest of the nurses decided to chase after the omega.

Hanji covered her face and threw back her head. She felt excited but fear was overpowering it.

"Eren will surely strangle me."


Levi was staring blankly at the tall wall. Lost, as his adrenaline started to fade. The grass was soft under his bare feet, a cool breeze brush against his skin. It was oddly peaceful.

Earlier, he found himself in an unfamiliar room, a girl with short hair was sitting near the open window, her face was covered with a thick book.

Levi paid any attention to her, instead, he focused was on the rays of light that passed through the window. Even when he spend all his life inside his room with no windows, Levi was aware of the world behind those four walls. Thanks to his teacher.

The rays of light. That only meant one thing.

He's outside.

He never felt so free as he ran out of the building with bare feet.

However, he suddenly felt sorry for shoving the girl aside as well as glaring at the others he encountered, especially those two Betas. He couldn't help it,  he couldn't let anyone stop him now. He's desperate to see the world.

Then another set of walls blocked his view and his legs started to hurt. Well, fuck.

"Oh, yeah. I jumped and ran." He confirmed to himself.

He recalled the brunette with glasses. He remembered how much he wanted to rip that woman apart. How he wanted to keep her away from.... from what?

Why did he wanted that woman dead
And away from... something he didn't even know? What was that feeling? Jealousy? He's jealous of what?

It was getting chilly, Levi tried to cover his body and conserve heat when he noticed something. Levi examined his current clothes. His face cringed at his discovery, he saw one of his unlce's lover wore this. A night gown.

Those were very rare times that his uncle bought someone to stand as a mother figure. But it never work.

Kenny. He just realized what happened way before. Where's his uncle Kenny? Wh-

Before he continued, a wonderful scent hit his nose. Levi couldn't describe it but smell so nice, it was addicting.


Levi turned towards the voice, the next thing he knew he was drowning at those gorgeous blue-green eyes.


edited 02/19/21

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