Chapter 16

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"Don't let that Omega leave the sanctuary!"

Armin followed Grisha until they met up with Hanji who's carrying her father's research files about the Omegas Wrath. She was planning to explain her discovery and plans with Grisha in Armin's house but they end up going in her place instead with Armin in tow.

"Calm down, Sir. What is this all about?" Armin tried to calm Grisha. Ever since they got in Hanji's room, he started pacing and mumbling something.

"I knew it! I knew it! You knew my dad's research about Omegas! I knew you are hiding something for me! Spill the juicy beans now Mr. Yeager!" Hanji bounced with excitement.

"Well, come to think of it. About the Hanji's father and his colleges' case. They say it was suicide but they are all shed into pieces, that statement didn't fit at all," Armin mentioned.

"Armin! How can you for got my beautiful story?! There were big animals in their cells used for experiments and the police said they found my father's hand prints on door handle on one of the cells, plus that particular cell was open. They think my dad did it on purpose and other excuses! So, they'll trash the case."

"Sorry, I must be busy and half listening when you said those to me when we first met," Armin smiled innocently.

"So sir, is there something you'd like to let us hear?" Hanji sighed and turned back to Grisha.

"Ok. first of all, I'm sorry Hanji. I'm the reason why the cops to trash the case. Your father was doing illegal excitements and I'm the one supplying all their drugs." Grisha owned a huge pharmaceutical company and back then, he's partnered with Hanji father.

"So, you work together? And you hid all of this to save yourself?" Armin arched a brow at him.

"I was under a command." Armin was puzzled by his reply. He was about to say something when Hanji tap his shoulder and shush him.

"Your father was my roommate when we're in collage, he was so fond about the dynamics and wanted to reveal the secrets of each."

"When we started working on our own, he contacted me to supply him drugs. Since he was my best friend, I agreed. But when I visited his lab, I wanted to back out," Grisha continued.

"They bought an Omega and used her on their research. She's very malnourish and sick because of the suppressants, like death was waiting for her at the corner. After some time of thinking, I decided to end our contract because their evolving real people on their work. Then your father called me to come over, I thought it was a great opportunity to discuss my decision. But, I think twice when I saw the Omega. She was healthy like she was well feed all those years, blooming, and happy. She even thank your father, saying that maybe she could survive and fight the effects of the suppressant on her new state. She could even control her own body and pheromones during heats."

"And I say, 'Hey, maybe this isn't a bad idea after all.' If your father showed his research to the world it would have a big impact on my part as well."

"Weeks past, he never let me visit again but he kept asking for meds. I asked him about the Omega and he said that she's doing fine. Months past, he solemly talked to me and only contact me if he needed more for drugs."

"I just rubbed it off since I know how scientist got carried away with their work. And at that time Carla discovered she's pregnant with Eren. My focused was on my wife now and I just let my assistant handle your father's requests."

"Then, my assistant asked permission before she gave what he asked. Your father asked for the strongest tranquilizer that I had or possibly the most fastest poison."

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