Chapter 8

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"Hanji, how are feeling?" Armin asked as he set Hanji on the sofa.

Levi didn't return to his usual self, they tried to put distance between the two and Armin was thankful that the Omega was busy biting Eren and haven't noticed him and see him as a threat. Hanji was able to move when they reached the living room.

Hanji's shivering was joined by giggles and chuckles. Armin can tell that the beta is having the best day of her life but he asked anyway.

"Armin!! You have no idea how much I want to experience it again!" Hanji threw both hands in the air. "All those researched that my father abandoned years ago........ Armin .... This is it... This is it... THIS IS IT!!!!"

"Hanji you need to calm down first-" Armin was interrupted by Hanji's deadly squeal.

Armin can't help but sigh. "This is going to be a long day."

Levi hissed when the beta's squeal reached his ears, he tried to struggle out of Eren's hold. He wanted that woman died and away from his alpha.

His growling was replaced with a yelp when Eren tighten his hold around his waist. Eren's neck was full of bite marks some were bleeding but he didn't care.

"Easy there," Eren gives off a calming scent but the Omega didn't respond well. This time, Levi tries to slowly unbuckle himself from Eren's hold. But Eren didn't budge.

Eren tried to communicate with him but all Levi's respond are whimpers, purrs and all sorts of sounds and his scent switches every five minutes but Eren was sure with one thing: he's going to kill Hanji. He should never have brushed off Hanji's warning about Levi cutting her head off. However, his alpha instincts felt proud of his Omega and telling him to let go of Levi and let him kill the beta. That doesn't make sense at all.

Another squeal reached the room. Levi struggling became more forceful. Eren winced when he felt Levi's nails dug into his arm.

"If this keeps happening, I think will be staying here for a while," Eren sighs. He knew the doctors won't allow Levi to leave unless he controls his scent and NOT attack anyone he sees. Or maybe he only acts like that around Hanji. He felt Levi flinched then his whole body relaxed. "Levi are you ok?"

"What do you mean will staying here for a while?!"

"Levi you're back!" Eren hugged the Omega likes there's no tomorrow.

"Let go you shit!" Eren loosens his hold but didn't let go.

"Levi did you know what you just did?"

"Ahhh, there's a threat? Listen I don't know ok, I never felt this way before my body just moves on its own."

"Will figure that soon... I guess." Eren avoided his gaze.

"You don't make any sense."

"Well, Hanji seems to know about stuff but if you keep jumping on her with a knife I think it won't be easy."

"I'm.... sorry?" Levi felt sorry but another part of him tells him it's ok to attack the beta.

"Oh, It's fine Hanji seems to like the idea of it." Eren wasn't lying about that.

And Levi believed him for some reasons but he felt guilty seeing Eren's neck bleeding. It's not his fault maybe, Eren smelled good. "And I'm sorry about... your neck.."

"Oh this, this is nothing."

"At least let me patch that up." Levi examines each bite marks and he relaxed to find none of the bites are that serious. But the opened wounds can still cause infections. "Is there a first aid kit in this house?"

"It's on the drawers, you don't have to-"

"Shut up, Eren."

"Yes, sir"

Levi slip out of Eren's embrace and walk across the room. He opened each drawer until he found the kit and returns back to Eren. An Awkward silence hangs in the air. "So.... You regularly visit this place?" Levi started.

"I rarely come here because of work."

"What is your work?" He continues cleaning up the wounds, ignoring Eren's flinching because of the slight sting of the alcohol.

"I'm the owner of Titan Corp. It's just normal business stuff."

"You said you're the owner, so your fucken rich?"

"Well, I'm one of the financiers of the Omega sanctuary, the Survey Corps, and Hanji's experiments."

"So you are rich."

"I'm not born with it, I work my ass off in order to reach the top."

"Hmmm.. Keep talking I want to know all about you and I don't want to keep cuddling with a total stranger." It feels right to be with Eren but Levi didn't know a thing about him.

"Sure. I am Eren Yeager, 25 alpha. My mother Carla Yeager an omega and my father Grisha Yeager, a doctor and an alpha. I had an adopted sister named Mikasa, she's an alpha as well, she owned a five-star restaurant. I had a best friend since childhood named Armin, he's an omega and he works here as a psychiatrist and this house belonged to him.

"I had a friend/enemy named horsefa- I mean Jean. His my business rival but we're in good terms... sometimes. And a few friends from my company and Jean's, I guess it's too many to mention but I have friends there." Eren paused thinking of more stuff to say. "And Erwin his in charge in the survey corps, he's the one who rescued you."

"So he's like a police, so my uncle is behind bars now?" Levi's aware that his uncle does illegal stuff at least he knows where his uncle now, well if he escaped that's another story.

"Hanji called Erwin so she can talk to your uncle and gather information about you and she shared the whole story with me. Sorry about that."

"Nah, it's fine." Levi was thankful because he didn't need to tell his tale. There's nothing to tell anyway. "Can I speak to him?"

"Of course you can."

"Ok but let's go back to what you said early about staying for a while?"

"Well aside from medical observation your scent is strong and they switch so quickly than normal you need to control it, so does the omega wrath thingy." Eren can't blame the Omega. He didn't have the chance to control his scent because of the suppressants' ability to hide scents. But the wrath thingy is what he should be worrying about.

"I can control it." Levi finishes patching. "If it means getting out of here fast." Levi returned all the contents back to the kit.

"Ummm excuse me." Armin slowly opened the door.

"And who the fuck are you?" Levi cling possessively to Eren when the door fully opened, showing Armin's trembling figure holding a tray with cups, a pot of tea and biscuits.

"Oh, that's Armin he owns this house~" Eren snuggled affectionately on Levi.

"Oh," Levi just realize that he was growling at the blonde. Control. Control yourself or you'll never gonna get out of this place, he reminded himself over and over.

Armin felt the weight on his shoulders disappeared, breathing deeply he enters the room.

"I bought tea and biscuits. Tea always helps me calm down, so maybe this will also calm your nerves." He set the tray on the table next to the plate that Eren brought. He took the pot and pour tea into the cup and held it to Levi.

"Thanks, sorry about earlier. Lately, my body doesn't work with me anymore." Levi takes the cup that was handed to him and took a sip. His eyes widen at the rich taste. "Wow, this is good."

"I'm glad you like it, I'm Armin Arlert by the way, one of the psychiatrists of the sanctuary and I'm also Eren's best friend." Armin eyed his best friend hugging and snuggling at his mate. He can't help but smile, seeing his best friend happy and away from work. "I'm here to tell you about your condition in behalf of Dr. Hanji. She seems to know the reason about why your instincts easily take over your body."

"When will this end?" Levi groaned.

"It's alright Levi, maybe it's not that bad," Eren crooned at him but Levi didn't pay much attention to it. He wants to get out so badly.

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