Chapter 4

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Eren repeated. He didn't know what had gotten into him when he heard the name. But when he set foot inside the sanctuary, it was crystal clear. Mate. His mate was here.

He followed the sweet scent with a hint of vanilla in them. Until the scent grew stronger and stronger and here he was, meters away from his beautiful mate.

He's short but that's normal for Omegas. His raven hair was styled in an undercut, it was unfeminine for an Omega to wear but Eren didn't care. His blue-stormy eyes where wide, meeting his own Caribbean blue-green.

Perfect, so perfect.

Eren never seen an Omega like his mate, he expected that they would be thin and weak. Since he managed to think the moment he entered the sanctuary:

- Erwin's report stated that there's an Omega that was rescued on "Kenny Ackerman Case" and currently under medication on the Omega sanctuary.

- Hanji apologized for not looking after the newcomer which was Levi.

With all that, he concluded that his mate was in bad shape.

But he was wrong.

His mate was standing right there. He looked healthy and well-fed through the past years. No scars or any marks on his pale skin. Well, except for the small marks that the syringes and needles left.

He could smell fresh medicines on his blood but there were no longer stains of suppressants.

And most of all- he' untouched.

His Alpha instincts ordered him to snatch the little Omega and do what they must do. But.

Something's wrong, his mate was just standing there. Staring at him with wide eyes.

Confusion, curiosity, happiness, fear, with a mix of pain, distress and exhaustion filled the Omega's scent. Making his Alpha instincts go wild but this time there's hesitance.

Alpha instincts were always forceful and strong, that's why Eren never followed his instincts since it was bad omen if one was a business man. But now, his Alpha instincts was pulling the breaks?

It seems that Eren's Alpha knew that there's something. And for the first time, he trusted his instincts.

The Omega didn't budged, the same mixed scent lingered around the air. Eren had to do something. Taking a few slow steps, he instinctively raised both hands in surrender.

"I'm Eren Yeager, perhaps you feel it too. We're mates." Saying those words out loud made Eren smile but the Omega just tilted his head on the side. The air was filled with curiosity.

"Mates?" Eyes still fixed on Eren. The Omega didn't feel threaten instead he gives off a scent of pure curiosity.

"Ahh... Yes?" Eren had no clue what to say.

Mates should know right away that they were fated from the moment they locked gaze. But it seems that Levi didn't recognize him as mate.

Ouch. That hurt. Eren felt his heart shattering.

"You know, fate put us together. We're made for each other. You can feel it too...... right?" Eren wanted to vomit, he can't believe he said those cheesy lines and fuck they rhythm. 

The Omega just pondered at the words, his brows furrowed. Eren never felt so awkward under his stare.

"You're odd."

"Wha- well.... that's...." Eren never felt so embarrassed like this.

"Not that I don't like it..... or .... anything..... of the sort......." The Omega whispered as he lowered his head, averting his gaze to the grass on his feet.

Eren could see the bright blush painted on the Omega's face while both of his hands griped the skirt of his night gown.

"I-I have to go." In a spit second, the Omega sprinted out of his sight.


Levi finally stopped, panting hard as he tried to even out his breathing. He didn't know where to go, he just ran and ran with no direction. Passed people and buildings but all was a blur to him. His heart was aching every time he took a step.

He stopped at the far end of the wall. The area was shaded with full grown trees, he sat behind a huge tree hoping that it could hide his tiny form.

'Wait, why did you ran?' A voice on his head scolded him. 'Go back to him, he'll make everything better.'

"Go back? I don't even know that guy!" Levi argued with the voice.

'Admit it, he's big catch.'

Levi blushed hard on the statement. He shook his head, he was talking to himself, maybe he was going crazy?

His uncle mention long ago that some fighters went insane due to long period of staying in the cell.

It made sense, the nurses and doctors he encountered. Maybe he was insane and he doesn't know it.

He could sense that someone was coming towards him, but instead of feeling threaten, he felt calm.

The same guy appeared from the tall bushes, there were leaves sitting on his chocolate hair and some twigs. He slowly approached Levi and knelt in front of him. His Caribbean eyes were teary and full of worry.

"I'm sorry did I frighten you? It's just that... I want to help you." His voice sounded like he was about to cry. But Levi found it very calming.

"Hmm," Levi hummed. Closing his eyes as he let his whole body relaxed.

A tan hand cupped his cheek. Only his uncle touched him like this every time he cried because of nightmares he had when he was a child. Levi leaned to the touch.

"You're still recovering. Let's go to your room, you must be tried." He withdrawed his hand and brushed off the leaves off his mop hair.

"You smell good." Levi blurted.

'Alpha' The voice whispered to him

"Well....t- that's because-"

"Oh I'm sorry, my body just move on it's own." Levi straightened and averted his eyes.  

Levi couldn't believe it, he was leaning towards the guy and sniffing him. Maybe he was insane.

"It's fine, I don't m-"

"Its just there's this voice telling me to do shit and- I'm not crazy! Or something.... I- I have to get out of here. I-I have to go."

Levi was about to stand but his legs gave out on the process. Good thing that there's this good looking, delicious smelling Alpha that caught him, saving him from the fall and carried him in bridal style.

"You need to rest." Looking down at him the Alpha gave him a reassuring smile.

Levi stared up at the Alpha as he started walking. His blue-stormy gaze slid down to the Alpha's neck.

Instinctively, he snaked his arms around the Alpha's neck and pressing his face on it. His nose located the scent gland, opening his mouth wide, he bit hard on the gland breaking the skin and drawing blood.

The Alpha flinched at his sudden actions. But Levi didn't care. His insane anyway. 


edited 02/19/21

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