Chapter 6

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Eren was touching the marks on his neck, surprisingly he didn't feel any pain when Levi bit him.

He couldn't call them mating marks because there was no mating. But he was glad, knowing that Levi's marking was a sign that the Omega's instincts recognized him. Just like Hanji said, he just had to deal with the rational Levi. Still, he prayed everything would go smoothly.

He was sitting at the edge of the bed, staring at his sleeping mate. He curled up like ball with a pillow between his arms and legs. Moments later, the Omega slowly opened his eyes and blinked several times.

"Good morning Levi, I bought food in case you're hungry. And I'm here to clarify everything." He greeted the Omega. Reaching out, he brushed back the black strands of hair off his eyes.

Levi stared the the marks on his neck, then out of the blue, he launched himself to Eren, wrapping his arms around his neck and his legs on the Alpha's waist. He nuzzled his face on Eren's chest.

"Are you my doctor? Cause, I don't mind you tinkering my head." Looking up, Levi purred at Eren.

Eren loved the attention but he shook his head. "Wait, what did you just say?"

"A lot of shit is going on my head, don't know where to start thinking.... or should I engaged to think at all.... there's this voice, doctor.... telling me to stuff.... and all..." Levi whispered, bumping his forehead on Eren's chest.

"You're going to be alright after we clarify things. To ease you first, the voice that you heard in your head is your instincts. Everyone had one. It's completely normal if you follow them because instincts are always 90% correct. But I'm not a doctor so, I'm not sure if that's accurate."

"So, having a voice in my head that scolds and orders me around is normal and I'm not going crazy."

"Yes, and you're not going crazy." Eren cheerfully replied, rubbing his face on Levi's hair.

"Good." Levi slowly tilted his head, locking his gaze with Eren's. "Hmmm... So, it's normal that I cling to you like this because the voice told me to."

"Well, yes..."

"And biting someone's neck is normal too because the voice told you to?" Levi asked as Eren's scent reached him again.

"Ahhh.... yes?" Eren can already foresee a red light.

"So, everything that the voice told you to do is normal then?" Levi held tight on Eren's neck and lifted himself to get his face closer to Eren. Eren quickly grabbed his waist and settled him back.

"Yes! But sometimes you don't need to follow them. You still have a choice to think first." Eren started to panic, he couldn't afford to reach that topic yet.

"I think this is also right." Levi nuzzled his face on Eren's neck. His relaxed expression faded as realized something important. "Why is the voice telling me to do this?"

Eren wrapped his arms around him, rubbing his back hoping it would calm the Omega down. "There's an explanation for that later. I was informed that your uncle Kenny did not told you about the three dynamics in depth right?"

Levi jerked at the mention of his uncle. Where is his uncle? Where the fuck is he?

"Alright, calm down. I promised that you can talk to him after we settled everything." Eren sensed the Omega's sudden panic.

"Then, start talking." Levi commanded like a boss, though Eren doesn't mind.

"First of all, what do you knew about the three dynamics?"

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