Chapter 14

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Levi watched the neatly stack cheeseburgers on the table, they looked like mini pyramids made out of cheeseburgers. There's too many that it's enough to feed a family.

"Eren, stop. I don't think we can eat all of this even if Armin joins us, let's not waste food."

"Levi, we will never waste food when I'm here." Eren proudly lifted his chin, putting another plate with three stacks cheeseburgers on the table.

"Better watch what you're eating, this may taste good but they're not nutritious."  Levi took each burger and added more lettuce on each.

"Levi! You're putting too much greens! it will ruin the taste of the burgers!" Eren whined on the Omega's actions.

"Whether you like it or not, you're eating this and that's final."

Eren slumped on his chair, looking at Levi with his best puppy dog's eyes, like a pup that was scolded harshly by his parent.

"Fine, I won't add more lettuce then." Levi sighed.

Eren cheered in response. "Levi, this is also a little celebration! You walked around the sanctuary without attacking or growling at anyone. This is really a big step, I think if you continue this, they will surely discharge you!"

No. It's not a big step, Levi thought to himself. Not only that he punched someone, he did something behind Eren's back. He have to tell Eren that he secretly glared at everyone they passed but he needed to soften the blow somehow.

"Thank you for riding with my lies earlier. Armin will surely extend my stay here when he finds out the truth." Levi stared down to his cheeseburger.

"Oh, it's fine. I'm not a saint and I'm proud of what you did, Jean deserved it. Now let's eat." Eren bit a huge on his cheeseburger with gusto.

Levi felt happy at Eren's approval. But... maybe the Alpha won't be proud of him anymore if he told him his secret yet, he doesn't want to lie to the person who he currently put all his trust on him. He had to say it.

"No." Levi blurted.

"Hmmm?" Eren hummed while he chewed on his food.

"Eren I... I glared at everyone, telling them to back off and punched your friend/enemy. There's no progress. I'm sorry." His eyes glued on his burger in front of him, he couldn't afford to see Eren disappointed look

Levi sighed when he smelt the distress in the air. His damned scent was all over again.

"Don't apologize," Eren set his food down and scooted his chair closer to Levi. "First of all, its not your fault. You had this wrath and second, you just glared at them, Levi! Well, Jean's an exception since he's an asshole. You didn't act like before when you first met Hanji and Armin! So, the celebration continues!" Eren cheered again then he seized his burger.

Levi realized that the Alpha didn't mention or reacted on his scent. Levi guess that he didn't have to worry about it then. The raven was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

"That must be Armin, he shouldn't ring the doorbell since this is his house." Eren licked the mayo on his fingers.

"I'll get it." Levi slid off his chair and went to get the door, ignoring the Alpha's protest.

Instead of Armin, an Omega girl with a red hair in low pig tails came into view when Levi opened the door. He wasn't able to growl at the red-haired Omega when a strong scent of excitement hit his nose.

"I found you! Big bro!" The girl exclaimed. "Hi! I'm Isabelle Magnolia, I've seen you beat that horse-faced Alpha! You'ee amazing! I was thinking maybe you can train me? Please, Big bro! I hate Alphas too! I want to get rid of them in this world!"

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