run away

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Carl and I woke up at the same time ( or at least I think we did; I just saw his eyes open when I awoke). We quickly realized that we were cuddling, so both instantly unraveled and got out of bed. Carl struck me a ' we were sleeping, we didn't know. it's okay' look as I grabbed my backpack. him and I made our way to the front of the house, where we found Rick and Lori strategizing on the kitchen table. Carl walked over and took a glimpse at the plan they had formed.

" Anything I can help with?" He asked eager to participate.

" Oh honey, you're awake! Well good morning! you too thee!" Lori is always very good at making people happy, but something was wrong. her smile seemed forged today. Rick then stepped into the conversation.

" Grab all your stuff, we're leaving."

" Leaving! " I exclaimed. " why?! it seems so perfect here! we can't just pack up and go! Come on Lori, you're with me, right?"

" Honey, I'm afraid Rick' s right. We need to go."

" NO! No, we can't! what, are you frigg'n ballistic?"

" Theodora that is enough!" Rick argued. "Get your stuff now!"

" Why?" at the same moment I said that, Daryl came storming into the room.

" Uh... Rick, herds are coming in. if we don't leave now, we'll never." Rick turned to me.

" That's why. now go."

" Wait... What about the other two? Sophia and Carol, was it?" Carl asked.

" They're not here now, then that's their loss. I wish them the best of luck."

" No, dad! You can't do that! Take them in, be friendly, then wait for them to go to sleep and leave them as walker bait in an about-to-be over run house?! Uh uh. No. not me. I'm getting them."

"Carl you are staying here."

" You wanna bet?" Carl ran to the bathroom, where the two had been sleeping, and pulled on the door."

"CARL! YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW YOUNG MAN!!!!!" That was the first time I had ever heard Lori yell.

"I can't yet! the door is stuck!"

" NOW CARL!" We heard two gunshots. Carl shot the hinges off of the door. Once he got in, he found Carol and Sophia both on the floor, Carol hunched over Sophia and Sophia spewing blood from her leg. Carol looked up at him.

" She wasn't bit. We tried getting the door open and she suffered a major accident. She's unconscious because of blood loss and I don't know what to do! please, help!" Carl picked Sophia up with one hand and started shooting walkers with another. We were shooting frantically as we were runnning out of the house and into the car. by the time we drove away, Sophia was covered in blood and so was Carl. I was in the backseat with Carol, Sophia, and Carl with Lori in the passenger seat and Rick at the wheel. Carl was applying pressure to the leg while I was trying to comfort Carol.

" She's going to be okay, just don't look." I whispered into her ear. " She's gonna be just fine." I actually wasn't too sure about that.

" Dad! get us somewhere! she's slipping away!" Rick drove faster. Carol was bawling her eyes out. Lori was screaming at Carl for doing something so dangerous. Carl was doing the best he could to keep Sophia alive. basically, we were a mess.

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