Walking dead 4

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" Name's Daryl. That buffoon Lyin' there is Merle." Daryl said sitting down in a chair and kicking his feet up on the kitchen table.

" Yes, I've heard." I said in reply. Carl now stepped forwards.

" That's Theodora and I'm Carl. Why are you in her house?"

" Look man, I ain't saying this wasn't her house before the world turned to shit, but this is no man's land now. But you two are young, you got a group?"

" Me, Theodora, a woman named Laurie, and a man named Rick." I don't know why he didn't just call then his mom and dad, but I didn't want to correct him and make him look bad.

" Cool. I'm useful. I hunt. I protect. Your group can use me. You agree?"

" Fine. But you have a purple amethyst heart. I know you do. You give it to her."

" What, this pretty little thing?" Daryl said while pulling it out of his pocket.

" Yeah."

" It is beautiful, and you take good care of it again." He tossed it to me. "Rick' s his name? Rick and Laura?"

" Lori"

" Right. well, bring me to 'em. I'll carry the goods." He took the sack of food and headed towards the door. he turned back to us. "You coming?" he asked sarcastically yet with no change in voice.

" Thea, you go bring him to them. I will grab everything I know you'd want and need." I did think that it would probably be a better idea if I were to stay and he go, but I was not going to question him.

" Come on." I said pushing past Daryl, gun ready for if it were needed.

" You don't need that loud piece of shit" Daryl explained lightly knocking the gun. "I got everything we need right here." He patted his crossbow as if it were his baby. " I'dnt she the most beautiful weapon you ever seen? Don't shoot that, a million geeks will come running." I clicked the safety back on and led him to Laurie and Rick. I went in first to make sure that everything stayed calm.

" Oh Thee thank God your back" Laurie ran up to me and gave me a hug. the smile then instantly erased from her face " Wh... where's Carl?"

" No worries. he just insisted on grabbing a few things before we left."

" Oh thank God."

" There's something I need to talk to you about."

" Yes honey?"

" Well, when we went into the house, we weren't alone."

" There were walkers?" Rick asked stepping forwards.

" No, no walkers, people. one of them named Merle and one Daryl. Merle was bad news, but Daryl... wasn't. Daryl!" I called him in. he walked in slowly, crossbow slung over his back, making him look pretty hot. I wasn't falling for him, though. He was good looking, but not at all the kind of guy that I would fall for. Rick slowly approached Daryl.

"What can you do that can benefit us?"Rick looked him straight in the eyes.

" I can hunt and I can protect. the two things that you definitely need for the outbreak."

Rick thought about this for a while, then eventually spoke again.

" Fine. You can stay. but before you get too comfortable, I want you to take a look at this knife." He pulled his knife from its holder attached to his belt. " Take a moment to look how sharp it is. one wrong move towards any of us, it goes right into your throat."

" Understood." Rick put his knife away, but it didn't take long before he pulled it back out.


" CARL!!!" Lori cried out. Rick grabbed his knife, Laurie and I grabbed guns, and Daryl took his crossbow.

" CARL! CARL WE'RE COMING!" I called out. we ran as fast as we could to my house.

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