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When Carl and I arrived at camp, we saw Rick talking to the new guy.

"What's his name?" Carl asked Rick in a stern tone.

"Morales." The man answered. Carl turned to him.

"I wasn't talkin' to you." He turned back to Rick. "He dangerous?" Carl slowly and easily moved his hand across the holster and onto the butt of his gun. I was the only one who noticed. I put my hand on that hand, slipping it into mine, letting him know that he shouldn't do it. at least not yet. I understand his thinking, though. we don't know him. he may try and kill us and take everything we worked so hard for. Rick didn't answer Carl for a while.

" Carl, can I pull you aside? you too, Theodora." we went with Rick for a second. " He seems tough, but tough is useful, not just bad. He's got two kids, and his wife just died. he needs a group, and I think that we should grant him that. i'll keep him away from whoever you want."

" Keep him away from Theodora. And mom. i'll try and talk to him often so I can see if I can change my mind, but I highly doubt it."

" Carl, now just let me talk to you." I stepped out. I could still hear the conversation, though.

" Carl, this world is changing you."

" I know. and I'm glad. Not because of the walkers, of coarse, but I'm happy I can finally protect what's mine."

" Listen Carl. No matter how much you protect or how hard you try, people are gonna die. I'm gonna die. mom. There's no way for you to ever be ready for it. But I love you. and I love your mom. and I love Theodora." This part made me feel so warm inside. " I would rather die than have any of you die. You protect Theodora a lot, and she protects you, too. but you both need to protect yourselves sometimes."

" Listen dad, if I get the chance to protect Theodora then I will take it. I love her. I love her more that I love myself. I would die for her, and I am willing to everyday." he walked away from his dad and came over to me.

" So what do you think about this newbey?"

" I don't know..."

" Well I'm gonna make sure he doesn't get bear you. if he even looks in your direction I will..." I cut him off with a kiss. I then released and looked into his eyes. his beautiful eyes.

" I love you. and I know you love me. thank you. I can't live without you."

" Don't say that. there may come a time where you'll have to,"

" Never." we continued to kiss.

" Everyone, come here now!" Maggie yelled. we all went into the RV. " don't let morales in. lock the door. close the windows. use the shades." we did so.

" What on earth?..." Lori began. just listen. listen to my dad."

" I knew that man." Hershel began. " the kids are angels. but that man. that man is the man who killed my best friend. it was a bar. he was drunk. he found a gun. when I saw the tragedy that had just happened, I hit him over the head with a beer glass and called the police. 'when I get out of jail, i'll come for you.' he said. the time you serve in jail for that crime is life so I wasn't worried, but in the outbreak he must have escaped."

" Rick, get rid of him. kill him. just get him away! please!" Beth requested

" You guys just want me to kill him? what, should I make his kids watch too?"

" Rick I..."

"I know what you want Lori! Don't we all?" I actually had no idea what that was about, but I heard them fighting about some random guy Shane earlier. sounds like Lori's ex-husband or someone.

" Then we should stage it. lure him out, put a bullet in his head, then tell the kids it was a walker." Amy said.

" Is that what I need to do?" nobody protested. "fine then. i'll go now, come back alone." we left the RV.

" Morales!" Rick called out. let's go hunting."

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