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Who am I kidding, it's not just the Greene's, everyone here is my family! My brother and father would be proud of this, and just because my mom was a psycho birch doesn't mean she couldn't have adjusted to here! Seeing Carl alive, has just made everything better. But one thing that I had to remind myself of, Carl's back... but his injuries are severe, so he may not have that long.

Carl and I were finally alone. We just talked.

"Thank you." he said randomly.

"for what?"

"what you said to me while I was out."

"You heard?"

"I could hear, I just couldn't respond. You know, you are sweet, but out of your mind!"

"What do you mean?"

"Listen," He struggled to sit up. I helped him the best I could to sit in a comfortable position. "It was hard, and it was a struggle, but I was not going to leave you. I know you'd be okay, and for a second I did think that maybe I should just stop trying after what you said. but I thought of you. not even my sister. You. and I didn't want us to be over. You praying for me to come back wasn't selfish, I was doing the same thing. I thought of never hugging you again, never kissing you again, never feeling you again, and that just hurt so bad that I forced myself to pull through. You said do what was easy but having the guts to jump off the building is a whole lot harder than living, now isn't it?"I stared into his eyes.

"thank God your back!" We made out.

"You know what? I'm gonna go see my sister that I sadly haven't met yet."

"but you can't walk,"

"Hershel said that I 'shouldn't' walk, but that has nothing to do with my physical ability."

"Carl I really dint think this is a good..."

"My mother DIED for this baby, Thea. I need to see her. and name her. and treat her like a sister. I need to protect her, and I need to get into the habit. of keeping her safe, too, not just you, and that will be hard."

"I can..."

"Take care of yourself? I know. but we all have our little slip ups. I've had two. and I'm going to prevent you from having any. Now, I'm going to my sister." He started easing his way up.

"I don't care if you don't like it, but I'm helping you." I put his arm over May shoulders and my arm around his waist. "tell me when you're ready."

"Go." It was surprisingly easier than I expected. he is so strong like that. in all ways, actually. Once he was standing, he looked to me.

"Its only a couple of ribs, thee."

"and an arm, a shoulder, an ankle, a clotted neck, and a beaten up face that by the way still looks perfect." kiss.

" You can come with me, but I can get there myself." and he did. once he got there, Carol immediately turned to him.

"Time to meet little ass kicker!" Carl went straight to her crib and lifted her up. to finally see Carl holding her was beautiful. Rick came up to Carl and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Have you decided the name? it's completely up to you."

" You obviously remember Judith dad, right?

"Yeah. but it's probably not..."

"Don't you like the name?"

"I love the name. Judith it is." ( I had never heard this name before )

So we left to go to our room, just to make out and try to be as close to your average teenager as possible living in that world, and I asked him about this mysterious "Judith"

"It's a sad story, really. I don't know if you really want to hear it."

"Carl, look at this world. I can take it."

"Okay. well, Judith was my mom's friend. my mom's VERY good friend. they'd known each other since forever. long story short, my mom was crossing the road but this drunk driver was speeding, and my mom was only 20 so she wasn't able to react quickly. she was in shock at this huge truck coming full speed at her. Judith pushed her out of the way, but the car hit Judith and killed her. she died for my mom. my mom died for this baby. I just think Judith as the name is appropriate. hell, if she'd let my mom get hit, I wouldn't be here."

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