Inapropriate beth

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Sure enough, Rick came back with no Morales. The son of Morales and the daughter went up to him.

" Where is my daddy?" I couldn't tell which child had said this, but I knew that those were the words I heard.

"I...I..." Rick began. The walkers they..."

"Rick!" Carol called out and gave Rick a stern look. " Don't worry children. you're father just needed to go on a very long long trip so you guys could live here with us. I don't know when you will next see him. could be tomorrow, could be fifty years. but you'll see him again. we all will." The kids just stared at her.

"I'm Christie. that's Felipe." Said the girl. I'm five and he's seven. we were in our house then all of the sudden we had to leave, and we lived in our car for a very very long time. but then a person wanted to take our car so he bit my mom. my dad shot him for biting my mom. we kept on going, but then a bunch more people came to eat my mommy. she must have tasted like cherries." she skipped away. her brother followed. the most messed up part about that whole thing is how she was smiling the whole time she spoke. Rick and Carol exchanged looks. Okay then...

Beth and I were becoming much closer. she was around the same age as me, so I guess that's fitting. If you get a close look at her, she is actually very very pretty, even when she's all sweaty. people are mostly sweaty these days, all we really do is survive and run and run to survive. i also think about death more often, and how it had better not come across Beth or Carl. Carl greets me every morning with a kiss. I have so many flaws. He could easily have Horton beth, or any girl he wanted back in school. but why wait for me? whenever I ask him this, he responds with the same stupid answer. "because when you know you love someone, there could be a sea of amazing looking girls smothering you in kisses and flirts, but you never fall for any of it. because you know that you and the person you love are meant to be. that's all I would think whenever I saw you, and now I truely know that all those years I was right. we're meant to be, and if someone protests they're wrong."

This day was very cold. Beth, Carl and I sat huddled in the couch of the RV underneath a blanket, while others started a fire outside. it was so cold that I could barely breath. I couldn't believe that was Georgia. it was so damn cold!

"Come to the fire." Lori said while shivering so hard, coming to get us.

"Can't." Beth began. "Too... cold." I started shaking even more. Carl saw this and pulled me in closer to him, an effort to keeps warm. It was so cold, I had to go to drastic measures. I reached my hands under Carl's shirt. although he was cold, his body felt so warm and so good. He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I want that so bad!" Beth complained. Carl then kissed her on the cheek.

" Not from you smartass. I want someone to love me like you guys love each other!" We all laughed. Carl and I started making out.

"Ewww! You guys are gross! Keep your tongues to yourselves!" I released.

" Now you're being disgusting!" I said while laughing.

" Don't worry Beth," Carl began. the right guy is out there somewhere, waiting just like you."

"Yeah? how would you know?"Carl looked at me.

"I know, trust me." We just sat there for a while, huddling for warmth.

" Can I ask you something? something... personal?" Beth asked me. Carl was gone getting Beth him and I the dinner that was made. it was Rick, though, so it probably won't be any good.

" Shoot"

" Have you and Carl... done... had... sex?"

" Beth!"

" I just wanna know!"

" Oh my God!"

" Please, just yes or no?" There was an awkward silence. "Well Thee?"


"No way! your lying!"

" You asked for the truth, so there you go."

" How many times?"

" Just one. but I was planning on tonight."

" Really! Do you mind if I sit in?"

" Uh, yes I mind you perv!"

" No no no, not like in a perverted way, I just... God this is embarrassing... I don't..."

" spit it out!"

"I don't know how okay?"

" Neither did I until I did it. Now I'd rather not talk about this, okay?"

" Okay." Carl came back. why is Beth so inappropriate? a little too much for her own good. "So what are we talking about?"

"Girl stuff." I replied.

"What kind of girls stuff?"

"Uhhh... Uh..."

"PERIODS!" Beth blurted out. oh beth.

" Ok, sorry I asked." We ate our dinner all cuddled up under that filthy blanket.

"I'm tired. I gonna go to my tent. night." She got out of the huddle. it was just me and carl now. we fell asleep there, little did we know that we were gonna need that good sleep for what was coming.

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