i love you?

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" Come on guys, time for some shut eye. I found two foldable tents in an emergency kit towards the back of the RV. Do you two mind share'n a tent?" Laurie said as she finished putting up the last tent.

" No, that's fine." Carl responded, climbing into the tent and emptying his backpack.

" Yeah, totally." I added climbing into the tent after him. it was late, so we then got straight to getting to bed. after a couple of minutes of silence, I began to feel jittery.



" I'm scared."

" Don't be. there's no need to be."

" I'm scared for Sophia, and Carol sleeping right next to her, and Daryl guarding them, and your parents alone in their tent, and us alone in this tent."

" Nothings gonna happen, Thea. I can cover you and you can cover me. isn't that the way it's always been?"

" And the way it always will be?"

" I promise." there was then a long silence. We both just lay there, going over the day. then I thought about all of the good times with Carl.

" I love you." It just slipped out. I didn't even know I had said it until I ran it back over in my mind. it was still silent. What was he thinking now? I was officially scared. but to my relief, I crawled over to him and saw that his eyes were closed. he was sleeping. he didn't hear it. thank God.

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