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"Carl, look out the window. Are we being followed by walkers?" Rick called out.

"Uhh..." Carl was struggling to turn his body while continuously putting pressure on Sophia' s leg. " None that I can see"

"Rick... Rick look ahead! Those are people!!!" Lori exclaimed happily. Rick pulled over. an older man and two women ran up to the car. the second that they saw Sophia, they sprung into action.

" Carry her into the RV as fast as you can. don't waste any time. We have more than enough medical supplies there." The old man said. Carl ran to the RV as if his life depended on it. I ran after him, then Carol, Lori, and Rick. The older of the two women cleared of a table

" lie her down here." she explained. "Amy, get the gauze!"

" Andrea, it's too late." the old man began. blood poisoning. gauze can just damage more."

" No, no!" Rick said in an angered and stressed tone. " There's gotta be something we can do!"

" I'm afraid not. once the blood poisoning gets to the heart, she's done. it seems to be around her knee now."

" How much gauze you got there?"

" Alot." Rick pulled his tomohauk ( his knife choice) out of its sheath. he looked up at the old man. the old man knew exactly what Rick wanted to do. " Well if you're gonna do it, do it now."

Rick looked to Carol.

" Don't look." he stated. Carol obeyed. "I'm sorry" he mumbled as he took the first chop. then came the second, then third, then fourth until the leg was completely severed.

Silence. Amy had wrapped all of the gauze they had on Sophia' s stump. all anyone could do now is sit and run their minds over what had happened in the past couple of hours.

" I'm Andrea." the older woman began. " I'm 42. That's Amy. She's 30. That's Dale. 62. how about you guys?"

" I'm Rick. 45. that's Carl. 14. Theodora. 14. Lori. 42. that's all I know."

" well we need to know the ages of all of you." Daryl stepped forward.

" 45."

" 40. Sophia' s 12." Carol said in a whisper.

" So, there you go. our ages. now, let's talk business."

" She's gonna die, and I think you know that." Andrea stated looking up at Rick.

" Andrea you watch your mouth! That little girl is gonna be just fine. you can hold me to my word on that, because I truly believe it."

" Yeah?" Andrea said pulling one gun out of her belt and grabbing one from the table, then holding one to Rick' s head and one to Carl's. " Why don't I just shoot you now? It will be a huge favor in the long run. either get shot peacefully now, or get torn to shreds by a geek. Your choice."

" I'll take my chances in the world. and so will Carl." Rick said through his teeth.

" Fine. Fine. but it's your funeral." she threw the guns back onto the table. " I have to pee." Andrea scurried into a small section of the RV and slammed the door.

" I'm so sorry." Amy began. " We just heard on the radio that all of Florida's population was wiped out, and that's where our parents live."

" Oh sweetheart," Lori said going over to her and rubbing her arm. " I'm so so sorry."

" You know, I would hate for Sophia to just lie on an uncomfortable table... " Rick hinted. he knew that we needed to get her out of Carol' s sight or Carol might explode.

" Oh! Oh, Right! Of coarse! I'll bring her to the bedroom." Amy carried her off.

" I understand that you probably think that we are bad people, but we really aren't, and I am terribly sorry for the fright, we're just trying to stay alive in this new world." Dale explained.

" enough said. Amy seems like a wonderful girl. but if that wack-job Andrea EVER draws a gun to mine, my son's, or any on of our heads again, she's history."


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