walking dead 5

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I kicked open the door.( I get some freaky strength when I'm scared.)

"Carl?!" I yelled.

"In hear!" I heard coming from the living room. we ran inside the room only to find a huge heard of walkers that had broken down the wall and Carl killing 10s and 20s of them with his knife. We started shooting and stabbing, shooting and stabbing, until we had killed every walker.

" Carl! Lori exclaimed. She ran over to Carl and hugged him.

" Carl if they had... if you were... I don't know what I... probably suicide...if..."

" Mom! Stop! I'm 14, I can fend for myself!"

" I know you can. and I thank God for that every day of my life."

Daryl walked over to the corner of the room. there was rope, a chair, and a part of a leg all covered in blood. Carl went up to him.

" Daryl, I tried. I really did, but I was too late. his arm was already gone, and they had started on his legs. he was screaming and I started shooting every walker near him, but then dozens of them came my way and I was out of bullets so I pulled out my knife to get that bunch of 'em, then when I looked back... he was gone." Daryl turned to him.

" Thank you. For the effort. knowing that you were trying to save him means a lot." Daryl walked out of the house. we followed. Well, that was it for my house. No turning back now.

once we got back to the Grimes' house, we found a woman and her daughter raiding the cabinets. I knew that we had to give these people a chance, because this girl with her mother seemed to only be 11 or 12, and not helping her would be cruel.

" Find what you're looking for?" Lori said startling the mother.

" Oh,hi! I... I'm Carol and this is my daughter Sophia. I'm sorry, we're just so hungry and because the house had no people in it I figured it was abandoned."

" Well hi Carol and hi Sophia!" Lori began. " I'm Lori, and that's Carl, my son, Rick, my husband, Theodora, an old friend, and Daryl, a new friend. how about you two sit down and I get you something to eat?"

" Thank you" Sophia said looking up at Lori.

" Oh, of coarse sweetheart!" Lori said while going into the cabinet and fetching a box of cereal. " I know it isn't much, but are corn flakes good enough for now?"

"yes! anything you can spare is perfect!" Carol explained. When Lori poured the cereal, the two ate it up in less than a minute.

" So where are you from?" I asked. " I know you ain't from 'round here."

" We're from Atlanta. we lived right around where the refugee center is. We got a late start though, thank God, so we still had to wait on a long line to be aloud in. Sophia and I were only 17th in line. My husband went up to get a closer look at the camp. that was when we saw the flames reach all the way up to car 10. I lost my husband and Sophia lost her daddy. the Damn government has really done it this time."

" Atlanta. the big city. How things Holden' up there? other than the center of coarse." Daryl asked.

"Horrible. absolutely ferocious. haven't seen one living body there since morning. that's why we left."

" I understand how upsetting this must be for you." Lori said to Carol. " We're all gonna go to sleep now, and whenever you're ready you just pick whatever you want that isn't taken as your space, okay?"

" Yes! That... that is huge generosity! I... I don't have words... Thank you!"

" Of coarse. whatever we can do to help and your girl you stay alive." Carol and Sophia began talking as the rest of us went to bed. The sleeping arrangements were good, better than I had expected. I knew that Lori and Rick would probably sleep together in their bed, and Daryl took the guest room. I knew Carl would go to his room, so I began making my way to the closets to pick the one that was most roomy, when I heard a voice calling after me.

" Theodora, you can sleep in hear if you want. I mean, it may be more comfortable, and I have a bed attachment."

" Okay." He set up the bed attachment and I laid down. I was sleeping with Carl.

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