Feelings and Sickness

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" Well that's a Damn shame." I overheard Rick saying to Lori after she told him the news about the pond. " I guess we'll rely on Hershel' s chickens' eggs."

I walked over to Amy's tent. she had insisted on using a tent because she didn't want to be greedy and take up rooms in Hershel' s house. I found her there, staring at a picture of her, Andrea, and what looked to be her parents.

" I'm so sorry." I said to her. she put the picture down on a wooden plank next to the area where she slept.

" Thanks." She answered looking down at her feet. I sat down next to her. even though I was only 14 and she was 28, I knew she probably needed someone, and I was the only one there.

" I know how you feel. I lost my older brother and father in a fatal car crash. I know how hard it is to let go. to say goodbye. and you know, you don't have to. I never did. I can't let go. I will always love them. but I still need the strength to go on anyway. so do you. We can do this together. We can be each others family." She turned to me.

" I just miss her so much!" Tears began rolling down her cheeks as she hugged me. "She was only forty. she wasn't ready."

" You know, maybe whatever's controlling us, if there's some... like... overall force out there... maybe their lives were taken for a 'reason. maybe, they weren't fit for this world so they were taken out to watch it all from high above in the clouds, almost like a tv show but we will survive. this group will live, we have to." We heard a loud bell being rung. it was coming from the house

" Everyone! Supper!" We heard Maggie call out. Amy and I left the tent and went into the dining room. The table was already set and was very fancy.

" It isn't much," Beth began. " But it's as much as I could make considering that we need food tomorrow."

" Thank you." We all said in what was almost unicine. We dug into the food. we were all so hungry because we hadn't eaten in days. It felt so good to finally eat real stuff, not the gross crap that I only git because it was all that was left in the super market when i went out on a run. this food tasted real.

" I know I'm not the only one thinking this, but I guess that I'll be the one to say it. Hershel, I know what you said about the walkers not he BARN and why they're there, but they are scaring Sophia, and Lori, and Carol, and even me. something has to be done about them."

" Daddy, I thought you took care of those." Maggie said looking at her father confused.

" Well Mags, I was gonna. but then when Patricia and Otis died, I needed somewhere to keep them. I just wasn't ready to shoot them yet. so I threw them into the barn, and I saw your step mom, and your step brother, Lacey, Hugo, Mr. and Mrs. O'Donald. And I, I didn't. they have to stay. they are still walking, so they can't be dead."

" Hershel, it's an infection..."

"Infections are sick people. not dead people, just sick."

" Its an infection of the dead. they kill, Hershel. they're dangerous."

" No. they don't go. they are staying right in that barn. Forever."

" Daddy, how many you got in there?" Beth asked.

" Its a large barn, and right now there are around 200, all stacked up one way and another."

" Hershel that's not safe! They'll break through the barn and eat us all!" Dale exclaimed.

" Well that's just how it is for now. that is my decision, and it is final."

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