Quirk- Dictionary: Can know every word, in every language, but can't say anything vulgar. (Example: Can't say shit, but can say shat)
Extra information- Reader is in General Departments class 1-C. She scored top in the written part of the entrance exam. During the class sports festival she replaces Mina, in Bakugou's Calvary.
Warning: Cursing cause Bakagou!The first portion of the sports festival was barely possible for me to pass. Calculating attack patterns and the locations of mines was not simple. Unlike the hero-department and most other kids in my class, I didn't have a quirk that could be used to fight. I was more of a strategist.
"30th! Not to bad, but not very good either." I mutter, as I glance back towards the score board, "Nice job Shinsou! 27th for a deserving hero like yourself!"
After quietly congratulating Shinsou, I am interrupted by Midnight, "Ladies and Gents! Now U.A 1st years were be performing a Calvary battle!" As she continues to drone on I begin to formulate a plan.
'Shinsou's outta the question I know he'll use his quirk on some hero-department students.' Murmuring to myself I am interrupted by a tap. As I look up to see almost all of the teams ready, I then pivot to be met by a scowl.
"U-um.. can I help you...?" Bakugou's intimidating nature, petrified me.
"Extra with brains. Be on my team." Him leaving no room for a reply drags me to the rest of his team. "Brainy you'll be my back." Quietly raising my hand I reply.
"S-sorry, but I probably won't be able to lift you up and run at the same time..."
Bakugou groaning he replies, "Fine you be the top! Just don't go losing our headband." Nodding I climb atop. "Brainy, you'll tell us what moves the opponents will most likely make next."
"I-I'll try my best...just know that's not my quirk..." The boy with vibrant red hair gasps.
"Yea... no need to yell about it."
The boy with peculiar elbows questions me, "Then you must have some showy quirk! What is it?"
I awkwardly chuckle, "It is anything but powerful and showy.... It's called Dictionary. I know any word in any language."
The duo gasps and before they are interrupted by Bakugou, "Will you three shut up! Be ready!"
I let out a 'meep' and quickly shut up. As I do so Midnight begins the countdown.
3! My nerves finally kick in.
2! Breathe in! Breathe out!
After one we started running, straight for Midoriya's 10,000,000. Beginning to calculate I shout, "Midoriya's team is going to fly away. Be prepared to dodge another team when he does so." The three boys nod following my lead. With my (H/C) hair flying behind me I say with my arm out, "Monoma's team is heading for us, be prepared to dodge and quickly turn around so I can grab their bands."As the trio do so, Monoma successful maneuvers our attack with Kirishima's hardening quirk.
"Damnit! You shit! It didn't work!" Bakugou screams in frustration.
"Bakugou use you quirk to stop Todoroki's incoming attack. Sero catch me with your tape when I say." I leap of the Calvary and reach for Monoma's headband, grabbing it I yell, "NOW!" As I begin to descend Sero's tape wraps around my waist and pulls me in. Once I'm settled the time we begin to run towards Todoroki's team.
Several minutes of attempting to reach Todoroki's bands the timer runs out. I sigh in relief while Bakugou looks like he's about explode.
"GOD DAMMIT!!! I didn't get first!!!" As he continues his tantrum I scurry of to find Shinsou. Once I do I call out to him."
"Shinsou!" He turns and smiles.
"Hey (Name). Congrats on getting second."
"Ah! T-thanks it was nothing. I feel bad for Bakugou though, he wanted first and I failed in providing help."
Shinsou rolls his eyes, "He's being a brat. You did amazing."
I give a tiny smile, "I can see why you say that but, he's striving for the best. Though he has a strange way of showing it."
After anxious waiting for my battle with Yuga Aoyama, it finally comes. Walking into the platform I hear Present Mic screech our names, "In this corner the boy who constantly sparkles from class 1.A, Yuga Aoyama" The before said boy flips his hair and states, "This battle will be quick mademoiselle."
"Now in this corner the girl who topped our entrance exams and is a walking Wikipedia from class 1.C, (Name) (Last Name)!" My face erupts in red due to the attention and compliments. After bowing towards Present Mic and mumbling a 'thank you' I prepare myself.
'He probably assumes that I won't be able to dodge his navel beam. I better jump up and the rush in for a punch, while he's confused.'
Once Midnight says begin my assumption is proven correct. I rush towards him and successfully incapacitate him. As I am announced winner I hear gasps and ooo's.
Sadly against my battle with Tokoyami I lost. Simply because have terrible stamina. I had planned to wear out his shadow, but failed to remember my stamina was horrible compared to a hero-course student. Excepting defeat I bow towards him and exit the arena.
When the Festival had ended with Bakugou as first, I could tell he was not only mad, but depressed. After he was unchained I decided to talk to him. Building up my courage I had walked up to him.
"Hey Bakugou..."
"Huh...? Oh it's you brainy. If you're here to congratulate me don't. I don't want congratulations on a half-assed victory."
"A-actually it's not that." He quirks an eyebrow, "I didn't want to congratulate you on that victory, but at the fact you wanted more than that half-butt victory." His eyes widen then he begins to laugh.
"It's my quirk! I can't say anything vulgar!!"
"Pfft- that must suck."
"P-please stop laughing. I truly do admire the way you strive to be the best! I hope you remember me when you become the top hero!" I am stopped by a kiss. The perpetrator looks me in the eye.
"Why would I forget such a cute girl who believes in me." He turns his head and I swear I see a blush, "B-but that cute girl could become my girlfriend."
Giggling I nod, "I'd like that. But don't frack with me! Or else I'll mess your shat up!"
"Frack? Shat? I'm going to enjoy this." He smirks an ruffles my hair.
"I just realized... do you even know my name?"
Sighing he nods, "Of course I don't you idiot. I wouldn't just ask someone who I thought was an extra to date me!"
Placing my hands on my hips I say, "Then say it."
"(Botched up version of your name)" Face palming he laughs, "(Name), My (Name)."
Though I lost in the sports festival I still won.

My Hero Academia Oneshots + Matchups
FanfictionHere you can read countless variations or the exact same characters Kohei Horikoshi has created. Maybe you're curious to who your perfect MHA match is? I'll pair you up to the best of my capabilities! Currently requests are closed; Both...