Here you can read countless variations or the exact same characters Kohei Horikoshi has created.
Maybe you're curious to who your perfect MHA match is? I'll pair you up to the best of my capabilities!
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Thanks so much to Vazine for requesting! I wasn't sure of you wanted a funny I kinda made a funny (I think) scenario and a jokester Izuku. And I made Izuku extraaaa cuute and this one shot fluffyish. (His smile is heart-warming). Hope you enjoy!
Quirk- Mind projection: User can project their thoughts and memories! They can also project someone else's thoughts by having some sort of physical contact. (User has lenses on the palms of their hands to project with.)
"A sleepover...? In U.A's dorms?" "Mhmm...I was thinking we could get you a special pass and you could finally meet my friends!" Izuku explains as he cheekily smiles. "Mhmm.....that's your only reasons?" Kissing my forehead he nods, "Yep!" Rolling my eyes, Izuku ushers me to pack for the night. ~~~~~ "Holy Cow! This is huuuge! You attend this school?!" Gaping at my boyfriends school, he blushes. "Yea.." he scratches his cheek with his finger, "I'm glad you're impressed." Clasping my hand he leads me to his dormitory. Unlocking his room door, I giggle at his decor. "You're such a fanboy..." "Says the fangirl..." Jumping on his back I scream, "OTP!" Craning his neck up he kisses me, "Yea OTP." Puffing my cheeks out I smush his face. "You're so sappy." "Mhmm..." ~~~~~ After about an hour of terrible puns and pickup lines, Izuku takes me to the lobby area, where the activities would take place. Hearing chatter I get cold feet, "There's so many people.." Smacking the back of my head he says, "You're fine." Literally hearing the talk come to an immediate stop I take this as a chance to introduce myself, "Hello! I'm (Name) (Last Name)!" Many introductions later, we each plop ourselves in a circle. Pinkie, or Mina Ashido announces, "We will be playing 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEEEEN." Pulling a bag out of nowhere she continues, "Place an identifiable object of yours in here." Doing so I place my phone into the sack. Once everyone does so, I go first, sadly. Groping through the bag I pull out Izuku's phone. Grumbling under my breath I hear cheers. Pushing me into the closet with Izuku, Mina snickers. Sitting in the cramped linen closet I question him, "Sound effects and lip gloss smears." Smirking he nods. ~~~~~ Crowding around the closet 1.A waits expectantly. "Mmm..Izuku." Cue the gasps. "(Name)- mmm. Urghh."Souls leaving each of their bodies, they look towards the timer. 6 minutes left....some of them pass out. ~~~~~ Exiting the closet Izuku appears lovestruck with his shirt unbuttoned halfway, hair askew, and shimmering stains on his neck. "MIDORIYA!! (NAME)!!!" Ida screeches, "HOW BLASPHEMOUS!" Waving his hands about I awkwardly chuckle. "Heh." Sitting back in the circle we continue with the activities. ~~~~~ Several games later, mostly everyone threw in the towel. Rising, I stretch, "I'm going to sleep now, night." Hearing a chorus of good nights I wait for Izuku to lead me back to his room. Completing my nightly task I collapse on Izuku's bed, "They don't know we're dating, right?" Nodding his head he lies down next to me. Cuddling me, he sticks his head in the crook of my neck. Hearing light snores I giggle and pet his hair. ~~~~~ The next morning Kirishima, Uraraka, Mina, Tsuyu, and Kaminari barge into Izuku's room. Jolting up, Izuku looks at them. "Where's (Name)?" Kaminari asks. Rising up, I groggily glare at him. "What..?" Hearing screams and running, the five exit the room. High fiving Izuku we agree to confess. Walking into the lobby we each cough to get their attention. "We" "Are" "DATING!" Finishing each other's sentences we continue, "We" "Were" "JOKING!" "We need proof!" Ida states. Nodding my head I activate my quirk. Replaying the events it shows us faking the lines, Izuku unbuttoning his shirt, and I painting the streaks of lip gloss. Laughing like a madman Izuku runs out and leaves me alone to deal with their wrath.
HOped I lived up to your expectations Vazine! Please request again, I found this fun to do!