Bloody Soulmates- (Yandere) Katsuki Bakugou x Reader

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      Soulmate A.U: The first words your soulmate say to you are written on your wrist.
Blood A.U: Humans are born with milk white blood. The more crimes they commit the darker their blood gets.
Quirk- Time Travel: This quirks Name is misleading, only the persons body can time travel. They can somewhat teleport, and reverse their body (example: If you are shot activate your quirk and you should be healed). Downside is the most you can fast forward or rewind is a minute and you can only do up to four consecutive teleports, without a small break.
Extra Info- Bakugou overheard (Name) standing up for him when people say he didn't deserve to complain about his sports festival victory. Since then she has piqued his interest. She's also Midoriya's cousin.

Walking home from a day of school I yawn. Having to hear Bakugou bickering with everyone gets annoying. Continuing to walk I hear someone calling my name. Turning I see my friend Deku.
"Hey Deku!" Waving at him I wait till he catches up.
      Panting he huffs out, "Want to hang out with Uraraka, Ida, and I?" Thinking I nod.
      "Sure, but can you meet up at my house in an hour? I have some errands." With his painfully cute smile, he agrees. Waving then continuing my way, I swear I hear some explosions.
Finishing my errands or chores I teleport into my room and dress in casual attire. Seeing my outfit was decent I wait in my living room. Hearing a knock I open my door to be greeted by Deku.
      "Hey Deku! So what're we gonna do?" Stepping outside and locking the door Deku begins, "We're going to be in my room, it's my turn to get takeout, so are you up to go with me?"
      "Sure! Lead the way!" The rest of the walk was filled with cheesy jokes and some hero theories.
      After buying takeout and heading to Izuku's house, we finally begin 'hanging out'.
      As Uraraka stuffs another egg roll into her mouth she asks, "Hey (Name)! What's your soulmate tattoo say?"
      Glancing down at my wrist in small red writing it says, "It's really weird, '(Name)! Why do you admire me but never talk to me!'"
      Giggling she slyly remarks, "Maybe it's Bakugou! You've never talked to him and!" She pauses and gives me a cheeky smile, "You do admiiire him!"
      Ida then waves his arm up, "Yes! I agree Uraraka-San! He also looks at you quite often (Name)-San!"
     Groaning as I place my hand on my forehead, "I admire him cause he's strong and strives for more! It's not a schoolgirl crush!"
      Hearing muttering I awkwardly turn to Izuku, "Izuku! Chill."
      "B-but, if he is and you get married, he'll b-be related to me in some way." Face planting on the desk I was seated marginal to I sigh.
      "Fine then! Try to get him to talk to me. Though it is weird that we've never talked, especially since we are classmates."
Formulating a plan we each agree to get the 'Bakusquad's' help.
The next day we each meet up at lunch. After explaining every detail to them they quickly agree.
"So I'll tell him about you and how you should talk. And then we'll see what happens?" Kirishima asks.
"Correct Kirishima! Thanks for your help guys!" Uraraka says.
After school that day Kirishima calls out to Bakugou. "Heya Bakugou!" Growling he turns towards him.
"Y'know who (Last Name) in class is right?" 'tching' and turning to the side to hide the faintest of blushes.
"Y-yeah..." Gasping and becoming wide eyed Kirishima continues.
"You do! Well you should really speak to her. She really admires you and would be a great sparing partner." Continuing to walk away he hesitantly agrees.
"Sure. She walks the same way as me."
"She does...? Don't you walk that way though?" Dropping the topic Kirishima calls the rest of the group to say their plan worked.


Finally making it home and unlocking my door I hear footsteps turning I see Bakugou.
'Woah...the plan actually worked.'
Waiting for him to say something first, I notice him opening and closing his fist, "(Name)! Why do you admire me but never talk to me?" Gasping I look at my arm and back to him.
"I-I mean... you don't exactly give off a friendly atmosphere..." Cue Bakugou gasping.
Smiling, genuinely, he looks up at me, "I-i found you." He then grasps my wrist and pulls me in a death trap of a hug. I swear I hear him mumble 'Thank God it's you. I would've killed anyone else.' But I drop it in the heat of the moment.
"I guess Uraraka's idiotic plan worked."
"This was floaty girls idea? I should probably thank her." Chuckling I look up at him, "I-well um." He blushes massively, "Go OUT WITH ME OR ELSE!" Howling with laughter I barely let out a 'yes'. Wiping my eyes of tears I once again place my gaze on him.
"I'm glad my soulmate got to be someone I admired!" Smiling then entering my house I pay him farewell.
Falling onto my bed I think, 'How'd he know where I lived? Only Izuku knows and he can't have a proper conversation with him...'
Dismissing another though I go to sleep.
Once we found out we were soulmates we soon began dating, everyone at first was surprised, but didn't question our tattoos. About a month after we've started dating, everyone just seemed to ignore me. Less and less people talked to me it was soon just Izuku and Bakugou. I confided in Bakugou, telling him my troubles. He was willing no, quite happy to know I was willing to depend on him.
Now, when we got married we were happy. But when we bought a new house and begin our daily life, he seemed to restrict me. He refused to let me do hero work and wanted me to just stay at home. I knew he was worried about me but it was to much. Eventually getting him to cave in I was able to become his secretary.
Being a secretary was not ideal but it got me out of the house and now Bakugou and I were both providing money. That brings us to now.
I am at home currently cooking, some dinner for Bakugou and I. Hearing a crash near the entry way I teleport over and try to see what happened.
"Baku is that you?" Slowly making my way to were the nose emitted I see and body. Not just any body, but my husband's. "KATSUKI" Rushing over and grabbing his body I use my quirk to get the two of us to the bedroom.
Not caring if I got blood all over my clothes and the floor I place him on my lap to see the damage. Seeing he was layered in bruises and cuts I swiftly make my way to the first aid. Stripping him of his outfit I squeeze some saline into his cuts. Hearing him hiss, I know it is nothing major.
"Oh (Name), I didn't know you were into this stuff." Rolling my eyes and continuing to cover his wounds in gaze I scold him.
      "Shut up perv. You come home like this and that's what you say?" Lifting him up and giving him clean clothes I take him to the bathroom. "Change."
      Puffing out his cheeks he whines, "But I want you to do it." Hissing out a no I slam the door shut.
      Once the next day began, I had to force Bakugou to stay home from work. Making all the calls, I was able to get him a week off.
      "Baku, I'm going to change your bandages." Slowly taking off his shirt he allows me to do so. Unwrapping it I begin to see...a dark red, very close to black. Gasping and trying to back away, Bakugo grabs my wrist.
      "I-it's not w-white! Why is you b-blood black?!" Leaning close to my ear he whispers.
      "It's cause of you. Our pesky classmates kept interfering. I had to teach each of them a lesson."
"T-that's why they were hurt then.... who gave you those wounds then?"
"That pesky cousin and aunt of yours." Slapping him I screech.
"HOW COULD YOU! I-I loved you...." Wiping my tears away he continues.
"Don't you mean love? Your mine only! They kept trying to take you away! Don't you understand?!"
Slowly nodding my head I accept my fate. Let's just say I now despised Uraraka's plan.

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