~Request Guide 2.0~

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Due to a large amount of feedback, I'll be accepting matchups!
A matchup is when you (readers) ask me (author-san) to pair you up with a character! The details are down below!

      Request Guide 2.0-
~ To request a matchup either comment (on my latest oneshot or on this guide) and or directly message me a description of yourself.
~ The description should most definitely include the preferred character gender (technically speaking your sexuality), your personality, likes, and dislikes.
~ The less vague/more detailed you are the longer the matchup!
~ Some other things you can include your zodiac sign (if you don't know yours a chart can be found at the bottom), a physical description, your hobbies, personality type (if you don't know yours a link to a test can be found at the bottom).
      ~ Matchups will not be prioritized over oneshots, they will not be updated on a regular schedule like the oneshots.

Zodiac (Find your birth date) I'm a Libra:
- Aires (March 21st - April 19th)
- Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)
- Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)
- Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)
- Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)
- Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
- Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
- Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)
- Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)
- Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
- Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
- Pisces  (February 19th - March 20th)

Personality Test (Please answer honestly for a correct answer!) I'm an I.N.T.P:

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