Cuddles- (Neko) Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader [Request]

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Thanks for requesting RwaiChan! Hope you enjoy!

Quirk- Body Manipulation: User can manipulate anyone's body (including their own) into different forms/ shapes.

      "Excuse me 1.A, but can we borrow Miss (Last Name)....?"Looking up from my textbook I see Recovery Girl.
      Aizawa nods his head and motions for me to go. Which I comply to.
      "What is it Miss...?"
      "It's Shinsou....he had a run in with a villain."
      Gasping, my face turns grave, "Is he okay...?"
      Waving her cane up she reassures me, "Oh no. He's perfectly fine. His case is rather peculiar...."
I sigh in relief as I slide open the offices' door. Inside I see a lavender head with cat ears...?
      "Shinsou...?!" Rushing up to him, I hug him, "I am so happy you're ok!"
      "Miss (Last Name) we were wondering, if your quirk could reverse this." Shinsou meekly stands up to reveal a tail.
      "I'll try...." Activating my quirk I attempt to reverse the effects.
      Letting out a breath I sigh and seat myself, "Sorry I can't..." Shinsou let's out an agitated grunt, but nonetheless thanks me.
      "Eh. I'm feeling nice today. You two go back to the dorms, (Name) watch him though." I salute her and Shinsou and I make our leave.
      "Does it hurt?" He shakes his head.
      "Are you sure..? You haven't said anything to me since I've seen your condition." Shinsou unlocks his door as I place some groceries down.
      "Well I'm going to take a nap!" I lie down on his bed, not waiting for his approval.
      Waking up from a decent nap was hard...? Failing to seat myself up, I peer down to see a tail wrapped around me and some arms.
      My stoic boyfriend, whom refused to cuddle with me, was snuggling into me. Internally squealing, I realized it was the villains quirk's doing.
      "Shinsou." He groans and hugs me tighter, "Shinsou. Let me gooo!" I writhe around, which eventually wakes him.
      "(Name) your warm." He wipes his eyes as I blush.
      "Since when do you hug me, let alone cuddle into me?"
      "It's cause I love you...." My eyes widen and begin to water.
      "You l-love me? Or is this the effects of the quirk?"
      "Don't cry. It's unsettling." Giggling I hug him.
      "I love you too."

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