Here you can read countless variations or the exact same characters Kohei Horikoshi has created.
Maybe you're curious to who your perfect MHA match is? I'll pair you up to the best of my capabilities!
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Quirk- Lasso: User can manipulate her limbs/ hair into lassos. These lassos can also paralyze opponents. Extra Info- (Name) is a foreign exchange student from the southern U.S states (I chose Georgia). She wears cowboy boots, has a southern accent, and has two minuscule cow horns on her forehead. (Underline= English)
"Howdy Ya'll! I'm (Name) from Atlanta, Georgia!" A perky girl bounces up to Midoriya and Uraraka. "Outta all of youse, y'all seem nice." "Ah, Thanks I'm Uraraka!" (Name) giddily smiles and turns to the boy, awaiting his name. "Um...I'm M-midoriya." "Howdy! I hope we'll be the bestest of friends!" "Same here!" "Y-Yea." (Name) cheers and then points towards a scowling boy. "It looks like something got caught in his buttock! What's wrong with im'." Midoriya sweats nervously, "T-that's Bakugo, he's just like that." "Just like that...? I'll go introduce myself!" The duo attempt to stop her, but unfortunately fail. "Howdy there! I'm (Name)." "What the fuck do I care?" "Now, now! Don't use unnecessary profanities!" (Name) 'tuts' the boy. "Leave me the fuck alone, extra." "This fucking boy ere' is testin me! I just wanted to introduce myself to ya partner. But if ya want I'll leave." "Please do." ~~~~~ "Hey, (Name)! Watcha eating?" "A spicy sloppy joe! Wanna try, I farmed da meat myself." (Name) waves her sandwich bread filled with beef. Kirishima nods, and quickly takes a bite. And soon regrets it, "H-hot! You made this?!" He face burns red, while his ears release steam. "Mhmm, I used to live on a ranch! That's how I got me quirk. And these ere' horns." "T-that makes sense." Kirishima sticks his tongue out and fans it. "Man, Kirishima's tongue must not be able to withstand anything!" Kaminari reaches for a bite of (Name)'s joe and soon regrets it. "H-hot!" Kaminari stands marginal to Kirishima and begins to mimic his actions. "Japanese men are such babies...Guys are y'all okay? I have me some goats milk." (Name) lifts up a jug of milk. "Y-yes!" The duo each take generous gulps and sigh in relief. "The fuck is your problem?" Bakugou stares at the two red-faced boys. "Them can't handle my spicy sloppy joe, canya Bakugou?" Bakugou scoffs and retrieves the remnants of her joe. He takes a large bite. "I-it's n-not that b-bad f-fuckers!" Bakugou attempts to suppress the flavor, but fails miserably. "It seems this ere' sloppy joe is to much for ya tastes?" (Name) taunts. "N-no—" "Want the milk?" "Pffft- No." "Alrighty then partner!" (Name) sends a wink and chugs the remains of her beverage. ~~~~~ The once silent 1.A dorm, was now filled with country music. "(Name)! Can you sure me the steps again?" (Name) salutes Yaoyorozu, "I sure can!" She grabs her hand and guides her. "1 and 2 and 3, go along the box!" Yaoyorozu follows uncertainly, eventually getting the gist. "You're getting it Yaoya!" (Name) smiles and goes to help several other students. "Bakugou ya sure, ya don't wanna join?" "Like hell, the musics' too fucking perky..." (Name) shrugs, "You're fault if ya bomb Miss Midnight's test!" "I'll still be the fucking number one hero even if I bomb a damn square dance test." ~~~~~ Aggressive knocks awoke (Name). "I'll be coming, relax!" (Name) waddles to her door, grumbling curses. "Help me Country Bitch!" "Phew-we! I never expected ya to come!" (Name) giggles, "This Damn, arrogant bastard finally came to his senses! Lemme just put me boots on." (Name) shuffles and places her shoes on. (Name) grabs Bakugou's hand and leads him to a tape square. "1 and 2 and 3, go along the box!" Bakugou slowly follows, blushing at the close proximity. ~~~~~ "Ya got it down! I'm proud of ya!" (Name) claps, "I surprisingly enjoyed that." Bakugouheads to exit, "This arrogant bastard, somewhat enjoyed that..." "Wowie! Ya actually listen to Mr. Present Mic's class!"