Dice- Shouto Todoroki x Reader [Request]

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      Thanks InSaNiTyOtAkUeVe for requesting! (I just including the quests from the dice comic! I read up to the 5th chapter I believe

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      Thanks InSaNiTyOtAkUeVe for requesting! (I just including the quests from the dice comic! I read up to the 5th chapter I believe...) Hope you enjoy!

Dice A.U: Selected people, become players and are able to perform quests in real life. (Ex- get a gallon of milk; give (Random Name) relationship advice)
Quirk- Blood Propulsion: User can propel themselves using blood. The type decides the power and longevity.

"Father, must I do this? I do not exactly wish to manipulate people's hearts." Todoroki gazes at his phone's screen, clearly displeased with the wording.
      "I do not care how you feel Shouto! You must become the most powerful out of all of us! This discussion is over!" Endeavor's booming voice ends the conversation as he exits the room.
      He glances once more at the screen and mutters, "(Name) (Last Name), I apologize for what's to come."
"Hello Class 1-A! I'm (Name) (Last Name)! I hope we can all become great friends!" (H/C)-ette winked and walked to her seat.
      The first break 1-A received, they surrounded the new girl.
      And to their surprise, the cold and distant Todoroki was the first to introduce himself, "Shouto...Todoroki."
"Hi! I'm (Name). It's nice to meetcha!"
"What is your quirk?" The girl awkwardly laughs. While the rest of the students waited eagerly.
"Ehehehe...it's called blood propulsion."
Some begin to sweat nervously, while others urged her on.
"Well, I can use blood to propel myself. I often use my own." She motions towards her arm littered in scars. "But with enough practice, I was able to learn how to ram into enemies, use it for speed, and just propel my arms and legs for attacks."
"Ahh...it's interesting." Todoroki feigned interest, he would eventually find out during hero training. So, he didn't necessarily care.
Oh, how Todoroki's mind changed! She exited the girl's locker room in a large black trench coat filled to the brim with packets of donated blood. Sure, that didn't impress him, but the way she maneuvered with her quirk. It was breathtaking, according to Todoroki. Sure, it was a bit gruesome, yet it was beautiful.
'I'm not supposed to think that...' He thought, 'She's just a stepping stone for my success...'
Over the span of three months the two became relatively closer. Though, Todoroki became a bit too attached.
He'd come to like her voice, persona, quirk, her everything!
He originally was supposed to make the girl fall for him, but that had taken a 360. He couldn't imagine his day without her.
"Hey, Todoroki! How's your day?" (Name) slips up to the boy.
"It's okay...."
She gives a heart-wrenching smile, "That's great!" A ring emits from the boy's phone.
      "What's that?"
      "Oh I failed..."
      "That's no good!"
      "But, I'm glad."
      A perplexed look crosses the girl's features, "Whatever you say..."

Hoped you enjoyed InSaNiTyOtAkUeVe! Sorry if it's short, or I didn't get the DICE a.u right!

      Sorry I haven't been replying to comments, or updating! Wattpad was acting up on me! >:(

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