Here you can read countless variations or the exact same characters Kohei Horikoshi has created.
Maybe you're curious to who your perfect MHA match is? I'll pair you up to the best of my capabilities!
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Wendy_Swan (a.k.a) Syrup-Chan: I'd pair you up with, Yaoyorozu!
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Why I would pair you two up: ~ Yaoyorozu is practically 1.A's mom! She cares about every single person, even *shudder* Mineta. She constantly helps the others with class work and or gives advice. ~ She doesn't put up with B.S! She's a quick-thinker, and can be relatively straightforward. ~ Your confident attitude helps her when she's down. Whenever she does a double take on her decisions, you're the first person whom comes to mind.
How it would happen: After the sports festival, Yaoyorozu became noticeably depressed about her abilities. She constantly thought about her peers and how superior they were. But when she thought about you, it was different. You were confident, but not cocky about it like Bakugou. You knew you weren't the best, but never doubted yourself. The thought of you helped her considerably, yet she never once believed it was a crush. Oh how wrong she was!
LuciaGomezIzaguirre: I'd pair you up with, Shoji!
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Why I would pair you two up: ~ If you forget something, or lose something this boy would know where it is. He personally keeps track of your essentials (phone, keys, wallet, homework) so you don't stress over it. ~ He enjoys your childish and weird persona, it's refreshing for him. ~ Since you're often reserved with strangers and acquaintances, he knows you trust him since you show your childish side. ~ He can often be blunt, so he's glad you don't beat around the bush with strangers to spare them.
How it would happen: You'd be acquainted since you were in the same class. He would find you interesting, you were blunt and reserved with him, yet you were loud and childish with Mina. Eventually you two would start to talk, either because you were paired up for battles, or coincidentally sat next to him on a bus. His crush wouldn't be instantaneous, nor would yours. You two would take it slow.
HanamaruKunikida445: I'd pair you up with, Mina!
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Why I would pair you two up: ~ She looovees going on adventures, whether it being a corner store at 3 a.m or going on a walk in the town's park. ~ Since she's chatty, she would need a talkative partner. Though you didn't fit when you first met, you quickly made the part! ~ She loves watching you twirl your flames, it entertains her so much! ~ She finds your freckles adorable, whenever you're cuddling she would kiss every one visible. ~ She constantly would say your her hair twin, you both rock that messy hair!
How it would happen: I feel that she would see you fire twirling, and get so excited. She thought it was sooo cool, she was all giddy waving her hands about. When she accidentally activated her quirk. Her acid hit the flames, and let's say a bad reaction occurred. After that she would apologize profusely and offer to take you on a outing as apology. Then she developed and tinsy little crush on your outing.
ThatOneFuckingOtaku I'd pair you up with, Uraraka!
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Why I would pair you two up: ~ Your zodiac signs are very compatible! (Virgo+Capricorn) ~ She's probably one of the only students who can withstand Bakugou, so your loudness and short temper would be nothing she couldn't handle. ~ She would probably initiate a teasing war. ~ She would love your hair! It's cool and 'edgy' according to her. ~ She would find it comical when she'd introduce people and you would act shy, until later on. Then the person would find out exactly why you were together.
How it would happen: At the beginning of the year, she believed you were exactly like Midoriya. She made friends with you and you happily complied. It was about a few weeks into the year, when she really started to tease you. When you egged her on, her soul almost left her body. She thought you were a cinnamon roll!
ChocolaNeko2: I'd pair you up with, Tokoyami! Artwork credit: @HikariU7
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Why I would pair you two up: ~ He's used to feeling misunderstood and insecure because of his head, he knows great ways to get rid of the feelings. So next time you feel like that count on Tokoyami to help out! ~ Tokoyami isn't much for conversation, so your calm and reserved nature is a plus. Though when you are loud, he wouldn't complain, he finds it cute. ~ He wouldn't admit it to anyone other than you, but he also expresses himself through art, more specifically poetry.
How it would happen: He probably wouldn't initiate conversation with you, he always saw you laughing up a storm with your closer friends. He would be leaving school and find a notebook in one of the spacious hallways. He skimmed through it finding sketches, short stories, and poetry. Each one had a meaningful history, he could tell. He ended up finding your name somewhere in it and would give it to you the next day. Apologizing for thinking you were a loudmouth.