Here you can read countless variations or the exact same characters Kohei Horikoshi has created.
Maybe you're curious to who your perfect MHA match is? I'll pair you up to the best of my capabilities!
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Thanks AiyameThe_KnightHero for requesting! Hope you enjoy!
Fantasy A.U- This A.U is loosely based off of the 2nd seasons 2nd ending 'Datte Atashi No Hero'. There are no quirks, but magic! (S/C)- scale color
Ever since Midoriya was young, he wished to see a dragon. The story books he read always depicted them as majestic beasts. "Bye Mom!" The stout woman, whom Midoriya calls mother, waves erratically behind him, "Be safe dear!" Midoriya confidently nods and enters the lush forest surrounding his childhood home, prepared to see the creature of his dreams. ~~~~~ Midoriyawipes his brow, he had been walking for hours in scorching heat. He gazed at his surroundings, searching for a spot to camp for the night. Ahead, he found a clearing and what seemed to be a pond. He hoped it wasn't a mirage, it just seemed to good to be true; especially in the heat. He took his chances, and began to walk toward the opening. Though, he froze at the sight before him. A beast, or the beast of his dreams, laid before him. His eyes widened and his once pale cheeks held a pinkish color. He gaped in awe, the dragon was gorgeous! It's (S/C) scales glimmered beneath the sun's rays, whiles its wings enveloped it's figure as if it were a blanket. Though, it's size was quite peculiar, it was the size of any ol' human. "S-she's so pretty..." With the slightest mumble of Midoriya, the dragon awoke. But when it awoke it revealed much more features of a human. It was a girl, around his age, with dragon wings, and (S/C) scales covering her more sensitive areas. While her hands were replaced with claws, and her buttock with a tail. "M-meep! H-hello!" "Hello Human! I'm (Name)!" ~~~~~~ The duo sat around a fire Midoriya had made. They ate fish, courtesy of (Name), in silence. "So, you're a real dragon?" "Mhmm." (Name) takes a bite of her fish, "People often make the mistakes that we look like a large lizard." Midoriya shuffles through his knapsack and retrieves a piece of parchment. "Is it alright if I observe you for a week or so?" The dragon nods and continues to devour her fish. ~~~~~ "Is it true humans have magic?" Midoriya nods from his perch, "Y-Yes! There are variations!" Currently Midoriya was watching (Name) wade in the pond; occasionally snatching up a fish. "Do you have any?" "W-well. I'm an aberrant, I don't have any. Though I do have a magic infused sword!" (Name) smiles. "I wanna see!" Midoriya laughs at her curiosity; beyond ecstatic that she didn't care he didn't have magic. ~~~~~ "So it's true that dragons like shiny things." Midoriya muttered as he gazed at the his companion's den. (Name) stood in front of the pile, and stared lovingly. "Aren't they amazing?" "Heh, s-Sure..." The girl then lifts up Midoriya and places him atop. "W-what are you doing?" (Name) bares a brilliant smile. "You're my newest addition to my most prized!" Midoriya processes her words then blushes. "T-thank you." The dragon hugs him, "I'm glad you found me! You're really nice and cute!" "I-I'm glad I found you to!"