I Didn't Know- Fumikage Tokoyami x Reader [Request]

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      Thanks emmaw3004 for requesting! Hope you enjoy! I apologize for posting this so late!

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Thanks emmaw3004 for requesting! Hope you enjoy! I apologize for posting this so late!

Quirk- Telekinesis 2.0: Exactly like normal telekinesis, but with enough practice User Can read her opponents mind.

      "Wahh! This is gonna be super cool!" I squeal in anticipation.
"It's just a fucking training exercise. Don't get your damn panties in a twist." I stick my tongue at Bakugou.
"I still can't fucking believe I got paired with Bird-brain and (Rude Nickname)."
I link arms with Tokoyami, "Well I'm sure we're gonna do great, right Tokoyami?"
"What a mad banquet of darkness..." I awkwardly sigh as I turn my attention back to the timer.
Bakugou rushes off and leaves us behind, "I didn't even need my quirk to predict that. What a shame."
Tokoyami and I stride into the forest, wary of our surroundings. "So, what's our game plan?"
Tokoyami places a hand under his beak, "Well, we could always hide in the trees. Or create a trap."
"Hmm," I pause and stare at my surroundings, "Maybe I can do something with that log." I activate my quirk and lift the log. "Perhaps we can hide in it?"
      "It's a possibility. But wouldn't we, be to close for comfort?"
      "I don't mind! Unless you're claustrophobic."  Tokoyami adverts his gaze as he subtly blushes.
      "It's not that..." He motions towards the many trees, "Maybe I could go in the log, and you in the trees. Your vision would be limited in there. Unlike your quirk dark shadow doesn't need to be activated by seeing the object."
      "That's a good point," I place a hand on my cheek, "Could you give me a boost, climbing isn't my strong point."
"S-sure." Tokoyami allows dark shadow to envelop me.
"Hey (Name)! You're boobs sure are nice and comfy."
"T-thanks, dark Shadow." He rests his head on my chest and snuggles in, "Ah, can you lift me up?"
"I'm sorry (Name)!" I wave him off.
"It's fine, it is relatively dark here!"
Several hours had past since then. We had eliminated Sero and Mina. Other than that it wasn't very eventful.
"Hey Tokoyami, do you think we should head back now?"
He pops his head up from the log, "I would believe so."
      I nod my head as I, slowly, start my descent.
      As we walk marginal to one another, I sneakily clasp my hand to his.
      "Hey Tokonami."
      He maneuvers his head to face me, "Yes?"
      "I didn't know you were such a pervert." He gasps, then somewhat composed himself.
      "Why do you say that?"
      "First you think of us being pressed together in that log." I raise two fingers, "And second dark shadow placed his head on my bosom and hugs me."
      "I-it was dark, it was becoming hard to control him."
      "I've seen how far you've come with your training, some part of you wanted to do that."
      As he stumbles upon his words I giggle, "I mean, we can hug if you want." At this he blows a fuse.

      Hope you enjoyed emmaw3004 again I'm soooo sorry it was late!

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