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Thanks for requestingRin Hoshina!Hope you enjoy! Quirk- Inkling: User can manipulate ink of any kind. The user can create almost anything! Though, if the creation is taller than the user it becomes increasingly harder to control the creation. (Submitted by: AlldemFandomz) Extra Info- (Name) and Shouto are childhood friends. (The only reason they were even allowed to talk is because Endeavor approves of her quirk). (Name)'s body is littered in tattoos that she uses for her quirk. "Hey, Sho! Look at my new tattoo." (Name) raises her uniform shirt, and points out a freshly painted tattoo. "It's a phoenix!" "It's pretty." "Thanks! It reminds me of you!" A minuscule blush forms, "Ah, oh thanks..." That had happened a several years ago. That tiny, insignificant memory had stuck with Shouto. "Hey-...Sho-...Todo!" Shouto snapped back into reality to be greeted by (Name)'s face. "Oh, sorry... what is it?" A stern look covers her features, "Y'know you could tell me anything. And I mean it." "Yes, I know. Now what was it you were asking me?" "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover? I have the tattoo parlor to myself for the weekend...." "Ah, I'm sorry I'll be training." "Could I join you? Sorry if I sound pushy, it's just been awhile since we've hung out." "I'm sorry, you can't." The girl slowly nods, with a feeling of hurt evident in her eyes. Ever since entry of U.A, Shouto has been avoiding the (H/C)-ette. It was a petty reason, simply because his father approved of her and her quirk. Any chance to disobey his father, was quickly taken by Shouto. But ever since he had started to doing, he felt hollow. ~~~~~ Sobs and a knock awoke the young hero in training. She patted down her unruly (H/C) hair and made her way to the front door. Cautiously sliding the padlock, she looked through a peephole and gasped. "S-Shouto? What's wrong? Can I touch you?" More sobs emit, as well as a tiny nod. She grasps the larger boy and holds him. "It's okay, Shouto. I'm glad you came to me." She leads him into the parlor and up a flight of stairs. "Sit here, I'll get you some tea." She pivots to leave, but is prevented by Shouto's clasp on her shirt. "Please, don't leave me..." She sends him a small smile. "Then come with me, you're shaking and herbal tea helps with the nerves." He slightly nods, his clutch still strong. "When you're ready I'm all ears." He nods once again, while smaller sobs escape. (Name) snaps her fingers, "How about we go to one of those 24-hour joints and buy some munchies! That always helps me when I'm down!" He rubs at his eyes, "That'd be nice." ~~~~~ Once Shouto had finished his drink, and composed himself enough to be out, (Name) led him through the barren town. Each selected hand clasped to the other's. "Okay, you can get anything you want! Just don't blow my budget for the week." "Alright, Thank you." ~~~~~ As the two quietly sipped on their slushees, they gazed at the stars. "So, are you ready yet?" (Name) slowly caressed the boy's hand with her thumb. "Yes I am." He pauses and looks at his feet, "It's about my parents." The girl makes an 'o' with her mouth. "The stress my father has placed on me, it's becoming unbearable. I have to become number one, he tells me. Then my mother," His breath hitches and he attempts to prevent more tears from escaping, "I visited her, her condition, it isn't anything to be happy about. And it's all because of me." "Shouto-" "Wait, I'm not done!" He gives a quick apologetic look, "I've been pushing you away! Ever since my damned father said he liked you. More specially your quirk." "Shouto that's okay. I can't personally say I know how you feel, but I can try to make you feel better." She raises his clenched fist and kisses it, "You are human. You make mistakes, you'll feel stress, anxiety, depression. You we're made to feel emotions, make mistakes and better yourself! You're father, he's an idiot! He pushes you to accomplish a dream he wasn't worthy of doing. I'm going to sound really rude but," (Name) closes her eyes and takes a breath. "Your mother was collateral damage. He doesn't care about her. He made her that way, for his terrible cause." Sobs echoed throughout the area, Shouto constricted the girl in a hug. "Hey, Sho. Y'know this tattoo reminds me of you." (Name) activated her quirk, and the tattoo from all those years ago came to life. The phoenix's vibrant flames left a remnant of a trail behind it as it flew in continuous loops. "Wanna know why? It's because a newborn phoenix rises from the ashes of its predecessor. I know you will do that when Endeavor retires, it will be a wondrous sight." She stops and gives a grin, "My wish is to be by your side then." "Then please, stay by my side. (Name) I would've been lost without you tonight, or in my life." And so, as cliche as it sounds the two shared a magical kiss under the moonlight.
Hoped you enjoyed Rin Hoshina! I enjoyed writing this! I would've added more, but this alone is almost 900 words!
Happy New Years everyone! I wish you all a magical year! And thank you so much for 50k!