Locked in the Basement- (Tsundere) Izuku Midoriya x (Sensitive) Reader

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      Quirk- Neko: User can do anything a cat can! User has a whiskers, cat ears, tail, and razor sharp claws.  The drawbacks are needing to sleep at least 12 hours a day and being super sensitive with hearing and pain.
      Extra Info- (Name) has special permission to sleep in classes due to her quirks drawback. (Name) hates the fact she enjoys being petted and cries easily.

I enjoy attending U.A there's just one thing I would change though. That thing is Midoriya Izuku. He's so sweet and shy to everyone else except me. Does he hate cats? Or maybe he hates how I'm nice to him? I don't know why he acts that way! He goes out of his way to criticize me.
Sitting in my seat I turn towards Uraraka, "Good morning Ochaco!" She smiles at me.
"Morning what's up?" As we begin to chat about miscellaneous topics Midoriya arrives.
"Uraraka what are you doing with this... thing."
Giving me a sympathetic look she corrects him, "She's not a thing Deku. Why're you so mean to her? She doesn't deserve it."
Teary eyed I stop her, "It's fine! Don't fight for me." Turning around the two begin to talk.
"Deku. You suck at flirting!" Uraraka states.
Deku blushing profusely begins, "I know. But that's the only way for me to talk to her without blushing. I feel bad for constantly making her cry though."
Rubbing her temples Uraraka goes, "I'll help you two hit it off! Go to the basement."
"Yes Ochaco?"
"Can you go to the basement and get some textbooks for class." Fearing that she was feigning innocence I give her a look.
Walking to the basement I begin down the rickety stairs. Hearing the door slam and click i begin to bang on the door.
"This is for your own good (Name)." Hearing footsteps I sign knowing Uraraka walked away. Turning towards the stairs I make my way down to find Midoriya already there.
"Oh... hi Midoriya. Uraraka locked the door just now so don't expect getting out."
"Stupid! Why did you let her do that?"
With tears clouding my vision I apologize, "S-sorry." Feeling tired I walk towards the corner and sit down, "Sorry Quirk, tired, wake up when help..." falling asleep Midoriya chuckles.
He crouches down and places (Name) on his lap beginning to rub her ears he blushes when he hears a, 'meow'.
After a rather enjoyable nap I wake up to see, that I was on Midoriya's lap. With him rubbing my ears. Suppressing a mew I rapidly get up. "What? Why? You? HUH?!" Turning his head to the side to hide a, blush?
"I-I Like y-you."
"HOW?! You're always so mean to me."
"St-stupid." He brings me in for a hug. Awkwardly patting his back I ask him, "Why?"
"It's cause... your so nice and cute. You also were one of the only people who believed in me at the beginning of the year."
Laughing I say, "That's a weird way to show it."
With embarrassment radiating off him he counters with a, "It's a bad habit! So go out with me!"
Hearing a click we turn to see Uraraka cheering, "ULTIMATE WINGMAN IS MEEE!"

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