Here you can read countless variations or the exact same characters Kohei Horikoshi has created.
Maybe you're curious to who your perfect MHA match is? I'll pair you up to the best of my capabilities!
Currently requests are closed; Both...
JustAShortPotato: I would pair you up with, Tokoyami!
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Why I would pair you two up: ~ He isn't much for conversation, so your reserved persona is perfect! ~ Tokoyami often avoids the classes shenanigans because of their incompetence, perfect for you! ~ Whenever you feel insecure about your appearance, he cheers you up with ways he's learned. He does have a bird's head after all! ~ Though he isn't an avid player, he enjoys joining your gaming sessions. ~ He enjoys art as much as you do. So he'll also sketch or write with you!
How it would happen: After declining a request to join the class's shenanigans, he returned to the classroom. Only to find you doodling in your notebook. He decided to make conversation and you became friends. Now whenever the class is of doing whatnot, he knows he'll find you in the classroom,
samuraitomboy: I would pair you up with, Midoriya!
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Why I would pair you two up: ~ When he was younger he was always left behind, especially since he was quirkless. So don't expect him to leave you alone! ~ He's delt with Bakugou his entire life, I'm 100% sure he could handle your sarcasm and hot-headedness. ~ He loves that you brighten other people's day. It's like you're (his) a little ray of sunshine. ~ He'd probably ask you to play sports with him to train.
How it would happen: He would see you fighting with Bakugou, and attempt to break it up. (Warning, he fails miserably!) After you cool down, you would offer an apology. He'd accept and you would hit it off from there.
kurooslaugh: I'd pair you up with, Jirou!
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Why I would pair you two up: ~ She loooves making sarcastic jokes, she'll probably have you join her in teasing Kaminari. ~ Jirou hates girly things and preppy people. She's more of the band type. ~ Since you like music, it'll be perfect since you'll be listening to a lot of it in this relationship. ~ She likes it when you're 'blunt' she often feels alienated when she is. ~ You'll probably coordinate a lot of music with her. After all you do like singing and playing your instrument!
How it would happen: She probably heard you listening to music or performing it in your dorm. She became curious and struck up a conversation about it. Let's just say she'll force you to play with her! (But I'm sure you'll enjoy it ;))
RwaiChan: I'd pair you up with, Shinsou!
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Why I would pair you two up: ~ You won't shut up about him, and he's all you Request. (Jk, jk!) ~ He would find your tsundere and kuudere nature quite cute. (More so the tsundere) ~ He isn't exactly into 'pop culture', so whenever you quote a meme or vine he finds it a perfect learning opportunity. (He won't admit it, but it's a way to connect to his peers!) ~ He hates narcissistic people, I mean that is why he originally despised the hero course! ~ Cats, no further explanation needed!
How it would happen: He'd probably find you dissing Neito, and find you interesting. Later on he'd realize that you were in his class. After that he'd probably approach you and congratulate your words.
Bunny_pie2005 (you're such a cutie pie :D): I would pair you up with, Kirishima!
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Why I would pair you two up: ~ This boy is terrible at math, but I feel like he has a great aptitude for history! You'll help each other in these subjects whenever needed! ~ He doesn't dwell on the past, and if he does it's so he can improve himself! ~ You both help people when they're down, he's glad you tell people they're wonderful instead of insulting them. ~ Being the childish boy he is, he'll make sure you two are decked out in rain gear so you could jump in the puddles. ~ He loves listening to you play the piano or violin! (It actually calms him, and keeps the energetic boy relaxed)
How it would happen: He probably find you fooling around in the rain. He'd find you familiar and realize that you were in his class! He'd then join your shenanigans. After that you two would head to a nearby convenience store to dry off. (And have ice cream!)