Two Cinnamon Rolls- Izuku Midoriya x (Shy) Reader [Request]

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Thanks for requesting Chieri-and-swords! I hope you enjoy!

      Quirk- Temperature: User can increase/decrease the temperature around them. (Ex- user can make it so cold it snows, or can make it so hot water evaporates in seconds)
Extra Info- Midoriya and (Name) have a mutual crush, but are both oblivious to this fact.

      "Your so obvious Deku!" Walking up behind Midoriya, Uraraka slaps his back. Leaning close to his ear she whispers, "Just confess! She likes you too!"
      Jolting from his daze he stutters out, "I'm t-that obvious! I-I h-highly doubt she likes me though..." Muttering to him self (Name) turns to take in the sight and giggles.
      "See Deku!"
      "See what Uraraka?" Groaning exasperatedly, she face palms.
      "You're hopeless!"
      Returning back to what she was previously doing Mina strolls up to (Name), "(Name)! You should confess!" Blowing up in red she shakes her head 'no'. Puffing out her cheeks she whines out, "BUT WHY!" Feeling the air around her raised 30 degrees she melts, "Fine I'm leaving!"
      Sitting in class Midoriya mutters as he twirls his pen, "Should I...? No...what if she-" Continuing with class, Aizawa glances at the boy then lectures on.
       The rest of 1.A (excluding a select few) stare at the boy in awe. Within a few minutes the final bell rings and the class prepares to leave for the day.
      "M-midoriya!" Said boy turns to face his crush.
      "Y-Yes (Name)?" Smiling giddily she cheers.
      "Wanna g-go to the cafe!" "S-Sure!" Gathering his supplies and unbeknownst to the two, Uraraka, Mina, and Hagugakure begin to plan.
Removing her clothes Hagugakure follows behind the two lovebirds. Waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, she internally laughs.
"S-so Midoriya..." (Name) twirls around so they're face to face, "Do-" Hagugakure strikes, knocking Midoriya over he lands on top of (Name). The temperature in the room raised. Massively blushing Midoriya thinks, 'M-my chance!' Helping (Name) up he leans in for a quick peck on the lips.
"I️-I️ r-really like you!" Blowing a fuse (Name) stutters out, "M-me too..." Literal steam blowing out of her ears she awkwardly coughs and turns to the side. Shuffling to Midoriya, (Name) clasps his hand, "Izuku t-that was n-nice...."

I hoped you enjoyed Chieri-and-swords! Request again!

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