I Like the Name- Katsuki Bakugou x (Villain) Reader [Request]

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I shall give the angst! Hope you enjoy dekucchan!Warning- Spoilers for the Training Camp Arc Quirks- Shock Absorption: User can take physical attacks with no damage; Super Strength: User can increase their strength 100 times over; Telekinesis: Use...

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I shall give the angst! Hope you enjoy dekucchan!
Warning- Spoilers for the Training Camp Arc
Quirks- Shock Absorption: User can take physical attacks with no damage; Super Strength: User can increase their strength 100 times over; Telekinesis: User can move objects with their mind.
Extra Info- (Name) works under Tomura Shigaraki as a Nomu. She appears perfectly human, but was bestowed several quirks. Her eyes though, are covered in a film that makes her (E/C) eyes pale.

I had found her reading quietly in the town's cafe. She was biting her thumb as her (H/C) hair cascaded behind her. I was forced to sit with her, since the cafe was filled to the brim with patrons.
She greeted me and said she was impressed with my performance concerning the sludge villain. I thanked her and I ate in silence.
After that day I constantly thought about her. Was it her hair, or was it her pale eyes? I decided to visit the cafe to see if fate would allow me to meet her again. Lo and behold she was seated in the same booth by the window.
I forcefully asked her name. I thought she would quiver in fear, but she wistfully laughed and stared out the window.
"I'm not exactly sure," she started, "But I do like the name (Name)."
I was confused, who doesn't know their name?
She gave me the tiniest of smiles, "No ones asked me before. No one talks to me. So why do you, Katsuki Bakugo, wish to know?"
I blew up in red, I stuttered and tried to avoid the question.
"Don't fret. You do not have to answer."
I asked her on a date and after she processed it she agree.
That was the start of our relationship. It was like a small flame, that we kindled into something big.
We both entered U.A after that. She was a friend to all in the class and even befriended the copycat in 1-B.
The final exams came and went and we prepared for the summer camp.
It was then at the summer camp where I saw her true colors.
I told her to stay by my side when the villains showed. She appeared apprehensive at the time. When we grouped up with Deku, she did not stop the villain from taking me, but she went with him.
He greeted her as if you were old friends. She kept silent. When he faced off with Deku, she knocked him out.
When we arrived at the bar, she-she bowed towards Tomura. I yelled at her, I wanted answers, but she kept silent.
"Good job Nomu...you've done well." She nodded and sat down in a booth.
I yelled and yelled her name. She refused to respond.
"My name is not (Name). I am nameless for I am a nomu. Do not think I love you." She stood up and walked out of the bar.
The villains tried to convince me to join them. I continually refused.
When the heroes arrived, Tomura tried to kill me. But instead of my head flying off, hers did.
My voice cracked as I screamed her name. She didn't love me...yet she died for me.
It was a cliche ending. But it only got worse for me. My classmates, my teachers, the reporters all deemed her a Nomu. They acted as if the time she spent with us didn't exist.
I told them she died for me. They said she died because she was expendable.
She wasn't a nomu. She wasn't called nomu. She was called (Name), because she liked that name.

I hope I made you cry dekucchan! Request again anytime!

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