White Devil- Katsuki Bakugou x (Villain) Reader [Request]

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      Hope you enjoy NagitoBagle100!

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      Hope you enjoy NagitoBagle100!

      Quirk-  White Devil: User can manipulate shadows as if it were their limbs, User can also manipulate everything its shadow touches. User has curved white horns, with black wings attached to their lower back.
      Extra Info: (Name) is a lesser-known villain because of her speed. She seems playful and childish, but in reality twisted. She feels no pain, fear, and has no morals. She's incredibly violent and cannot read emotions.

"Stab, stab, stabby, stab, stab!" A sickening sight greeted the civilian. A young girl with (H/C) hair and demonic (E/C) eyes continually stabbed, a long dead corpse. She giggled as she turned her head to the civilian.
      "Wanna join...?" She opened her wing and throwing knives flew out, automatically killing the unfortunate civilian.
She retrieves her knives and skips away, "I'm bored now...how sad."
"We interrupt this program for some breaking news-"
Whines could be heard from the young villain, "The show was getting good to!"
      "Shut the fuck up, (Name)!" A pout forms on her face.
      "Katsu~~ they interrupted my anime!"
      "Shithead they're talking about you!"
      "Really?" A twinkle in her eyes show and she focuses on the television.
      "The first body was repeatedly stabbed, while the second was impaled. We believe it was the work of the villain given the name, White Devil. We will now show you a portion of our interview with Mr. Katsuki Bakugou number 2 hero."
"Are ya gonna turn me in?" Tears glistened in her eyes as she pouted.
      "You're a fuckin idiot. I house you, cook for you, Hell! I even date you. Why the actual fuck would I turn you in now!"
"I don't know!" She shrugs her shoulders and makes her to the kitchen island, "I loooove you."
Katsuki kisses her forehead, "Of course you do!"
Knock, Knock
"Shit- go hide." She salutes the boy and leaps out the window.
      "Time to go stab, stab, staaaab!"
      "Hello, Mr. Bakugou. We've had reports of a," The officer pulls out a notepad, "Woman with curled horns and wings on her lower back flying in and out of the building."
      Bakugou feigns confusion, "Im sorry? What the fuck? I live here alone. Was it that loony old hag? She probably saw a bird or some other dumb shit."
      The officer shuffles through his bag and pulls out a warrant, "Please allow me to search the premises."
      A nervous sweat breaks out on Bakugou's back, "Go ahead asshole..."
      A cheery smile graced the features of (Name). She held a lollipop in one hand, and twirled a dirtied knife in the other.
     She flew up the fire escape and knocked on the window.
      "Katsu, I'm back~~" She opened it and was greeted by a firearm.
      "Oo! We're playing a game? I love games!" Shadows form and slowly begin to encase the officer, "You lose!" She crushes the man and blood showers the lovers.
      "How fun!" She twirls herself and giggles.
      Bakugou stares at the girl. A small smile adorning his features.
      "You're so weird..."
      She sticks her tongue out, "You looove me though!"
      Hoped you enjoyed NagitoBagle100!

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