Here you can read countless variations or the exact same characters Kohei Horikoshi has created.
Maybe you're curious to who your perfect MHA match is? I'll pair you up to the best of my capabilities!
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Thanks for requesting KumaTheMoose! Hope you enjoy~~
Quirk- Gluey: User can produce a sticky cement like liquid. User can also use their hands to melt away the liquid. If the user produces to much though, the toxic components start to melt away the users skin. Extra Info- (Name) is Mineta's younger sister (whom is a year younger). She is shy and a bit chubby (I AM A STICK! PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF I WRITE SOMETHING WRONG!) Though she is shy, she isn't afraid to beat the crap outta Mineta if he acts like a perv.
When 1.A had decided to meet at the mall nobody expected Mineta to bring a plus one. "Class. This is my little sister." Behind him stood a girl on the shorter side, though no less the four foot nine, and had a tad of chub. "H-hello. I'm (Name) Mineta..." "The perv has a sister?" Mina pauses and looks her up and down, "She's nothing like him!" "I-I'm sorry for intruding...Minoru forced me to come." She shifts under Mina's intense gaze, "I-I'll leave if y-you want." Kaminari pushes Mina to the side. "Why of course not!" He slides closer to (Name) and takes her chin in his hand, "If we would push away such a cute girl, you could guarantee our place in Hell." "Ah-y-your too kind..." ~~~~~ And so 1.A and their plus one entered the food court. They each split up and returned to a set table. Arriving last, (Name), was forced to sit on the further end next to Midoriya. "S-Sorry...I hope you don't mind my company..." "I-it's Fine! You seem really nice!" Silence ensnares then when Midoriya snaps his fingers, " name is Midoriya Izuku!" "T-that's a nice Name!" (Name) blushes in realization, "I-I'm Sorry for the outburst!" "It's f-fine!" The two become more comfortable to the other. As they talk idly, a screech is heard from Yaoyorozu. "M-Mineta!" The can in (Name)'s hand begins to melt as her face turns red, "Minoru!" Her once meek temperament fades away as she stomps to where her brother is sitting. "Grovel for forgiveness! You mustn't do that to any lady!" Her brother refuses to move, "So that's how it is!" She activates her quirk and places the liquid in her brother's hair, "Grovel." Mineta starts to sweat, but doesn't move. "You'll wont be using your quirk for a while." She begins to burn the grape-like spheres. He cries and leaps to the floor, "M-my sincerest apologies! I shouldn't have touched your Yaoyoboobies!" (Name) kicks him, "I shouldn't have touched your upper area!" With a satisfied grin, (Name) faces up. She is greeted by the bewildered stares of 1.A. "Uh-I um..." Claps emit from the crowd as she shuffled back to her seat. "I've never seen anyone make Mineta grovel... congrats on your part." "I-it's nothing, Midoriya. I should probably leave." She grabs her bag, bows and goes to grab Mineta. "A-Ah (Name)!" She turns her head in question. He blushes, "We should keep in contact!" As if an exclamation point appeared over her head, she grabs an old receipt and writes her number. "Y-Yea! We should h-hang out again Midoriya!" She waves and with a skip in her step, she exits the food court.