Switched- Katsuki Bakugou x (Shy) Reader [Request]

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      Thanks emmaw3004 for requesting! This request was really interesting to write! Hope you enjoy!

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      Thanks emmaw3004 for requesting! This request was really interesting to write! Hope you enjoy!

Quirk- Shields and Spears: User can create shields and spears out of air and solidify it.
Extra Info- (Name) is in class 1.A and is considered the little sister of the class, everyone is extremely protective of her because of her sweet and shy nature.

"Be careful (Name)!" Kirishima instructs as he attacks another villain coming at me.
      "R-right!" Creating a shield for Kirishima, Bakugou, and I's back I focus on protect them.
      Letting my guard down I fail to realize that a villain touches Bakugou and I. Feeling lightheaded, I faint.
      "(NAME)! Bakugou! THE CLASS IS GONNA KILL MEEEE!" Finishing off the perpetrator behind our condition, Kirishima lifts us up and sprints to the entrance.
      A day later I awaken and feel like I'm burning. Opening my eyes I see I am surrounded by my peers, "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STARING AT ME?!" The use of profanities surprises my friends.
      "S-she CURSED!?"
      "What's it to you shitheads?" Pulling my shirt out I grumble, "It's so damn hot! Open a window!"
      Tsuyu speaks up, "Kero, (Name) it's at most 70 degrees in here... and are you okay? You aren't being yourself."
A groan emits from the bed marginal to me, "W-what h-happened? D-did we d-defeat the villains?" Bakugou sits up as he places a hand on his forehead, "I-it's freezing!"
The entire class appeared flabbergasted. "W-what the hell?!" Each rushing out to retrieve Aizawa and Recovery Girl, (Name) sighs in relief.
"Thank god! They were so fucking annoying." Laying back Bakugo starts, "T-they're only w-worrying about us.."
"They don't need to worry about me shithead!"
Recovery Girl later enters the room and checks our condition then asks us some retarded questions. "Oh dear... I believe this is work of a quirk!" Muttering out curses I sigh, how was I supposed to become a pro like this!
"M-maybe it's t-temporary?" Nodding Recovery Girl agrees.
"You're probably right Bakugou. I give it a week." Shooing us out the room we head for class.
      "Today we will be training for the Sports Festival. I don't care how you train. Just do something." Aizawa lies down and zippers up his sleeping bag.
      Todoroki walks up to my desk, "(Name) would you like to train with me...?"
      Abruptly standing up I comply, "Sure, but I beat you to a fuckin pulp half and half!" Looking confused he leads me to the nearest open space.
      Preparing to create a shield, I fail. "The ACTUAL FUCk!? Where's my fuckin quirk!" An explosion errors in my face. "I have expodo shits quirk! What the hellll!" Cue more explosions. "HELP ME HALF AND HALF!"
      "Hey Bakugou!" Kirishima gives his back a slap, "Want to spar with me?"
"U-uh s-sure!" Blushing he bows, "T-thanks for I-inviting me!"
"Are you okay Bakugou..?" Rapidly nodding his head he follows Kirishima to a gym.
      "Let's go!" Hardening his arm Kirishima runs at him. Attempting to go over him with his quirk, he ultimately fails.
      "Ouch...." Seeing Bakugou face plant into the ground Kirishima offers his hand. Reaching to take his hand a shield blocks them.
      "Huh...?" Shields begin to form around Bakugou, "P-please make it s-stop!"
      The next week was filled with interesting events, (Name) presenting an essay without stuttering, Bakugou stuttering like a madman when presenting his, the two strongest in 1.A being out of commission because of their quirks, and the two actually talking to each other (well attempting to...).
      It was Friday and (Name) was completing a math equation on the board and describing the process, how Bakugou would, when she reverted to her old self, "Um- uh... you t-take x a-and-"
      The class leaps from their seats and rushes to hug (Name), "She's back!" They rejoice, "No more Baku-(Name)!"
      Emitting an explosion Bakugou commands, "Shut up you shit-heads she's speaking!"
      They each sweat drop, "And he's back.." Midoriya begins to mutter to himself..., "He said to shut up because she was speaking..."
      After school (Name) rushes up to Bakugou, "U-Um B-Bakugou!"
      Turning his head he growls out a, 'huh'
      "U-um even though y-you probably didn't enjoy it or c-cause it, I w-wanted to t-thank you for teaching m-me to have c-courage in myself! Having your p-personality m-made me realize, how much h-having s-self-esteem helps!"
      Ruffling my hair he smirks, "And I guess your personality helped me to-" he pauses as a massive blush envelops his face, "UH HAVE MODESTY! Kind of-sorta." Hugging him I mutter, "Your welcome."

HOPED YOU ENJOYED emmaw3004! Request again anytime!

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