Personal Poncho- Mezo Shoji x (Socially Anxious) Reader

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      Quirk- Illusions: User can create mirages. These mirages can alter ones perspective.
      Extra info- (Name) is Shoji's longtime girlfriend. She easily gets anxious in crowds, so Shoji blocks her from view with his dupli-arms.

      "Are you sure Shoji? They won't judge me? How many are there?" Shoji stops my onslaught of questions by kissing me.
      "I'm sure. They're all really nice. Just watch yourself with the really short guy."
"Alright. Is what I'm wearing alright? Am I to casual?" Checking my (color) hoodie, jeans, and boots he nods his head.
"You look cute." Blushing wildly I mutter a 'thanks'. Shoji then grabs my hand and begins leading me to the park.
Reaching the destination I see a group of at least 10 students beginning to grow anxious I tug on Shoji's sleeve, then realizing I was a second to late.
"Hello! This is my girlfriend (Name)." Taken aback by his forward introduction I fail to realize that I was now surrounded by his classmates.
     "H-hi. I-I'm (Name) (Last Name)." After each of them introduced themselves I felt a hand, on my behind. Screeching, I turn around to see the boy Shouji warned me about. Activating my quirk I quickly maneuver myself to Shouji. Pulling his arms he sighs and covers me. Hugging him I mutter a 'can we leave'. Reluctantly agreeing he takes me to a cafe nearby.
      After ordering we seat ourselves. "What will they be seeing?"
     "I made it so it looks like I'm answering their questions. If they ask to go somewhere you come in a day we have a date planned."
      Smiling through his mask he ruffles my hair. "You are adorable when you hide in my arms. Though we should really fix this anxiety of yours."
      "Yea.. but thanks for being my personal, PONCHO!"
      Laughing he asks, "A personal poncho!"
      Nodding then smiling I say, "mhmm!"

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