The Second Bakugou- Katsuki Bakugou x (Sister) Reader [Request]

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      Thanks for requesting YoreYara! I made this a platonic oneshot (made up of small scenarios) between the Bakugo twins

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      Thanks for requesting YoreYara! I made this a platonic oneshot (made up of small scenarios) between the Bakugo twins. Hope you enjoy!

      Quirk- Ice Explosion: User can emit icy explosions from their palms. Users palms produce a type of sweat scientists cannot explain.
Extra Info- (Name) is Bakugou's younger twin (by five minutes) and takes after Masaru (Bakugou's Dad) personality wise. She has (H/C) hair with a strip of ash-blonde that is always braided. She also has (E/C) eyes with a reddish tint. She's also known as the black sheep of the family. She ends up transferring into 1.A after an accident at the foreign hero course she attended.

Warning Cursing!

That's (Name)'s hair! The white is (H/C) and the orange outline is where her braid is

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That's (Name)'s hair! The white is (H/C) and the orange outline is where her braid is. (Btw that's Decim from Death Parade! I recommend watching it if you haven't!)
Warning Cursing

Being the twin sister of Bakugou interesting. He's rather brash.. but I often compare him to a pineapple when it comes to me. He's prickly, yet sweet.
I'm frequently avoided, because people tend to believe I'm his exact version, gender-bent.
      To say the least, they are surprised if they make an effort to know me.
      "Katsuki." Turning to his side he glares at me.
      Squishing his cheeks together and giggling I say, "Can we get something spicy?"
      "Why should I?"
      "Are you paying..?"
      "I'll steal some money from Mum and say we are 'bonding'."
      "You better not fucking pin it on me again." Jumping up from his bed, I wink, "Yessir!"
      "This place better live up to my fucking expectations."
      "Holy shit... this place must be reallly good then!" Rolling his eyes he seats himself, with me across.
      Ordering a large plate of curry for the both of us, I lie my head down.
      "How was it being stuck with Mum and Dad without me?"
      "A fucking mess! Mum wouldn't stop bitching about how she missed you and dad." He pauses and I urge him to continue, "Dad was a pussy."
      "Pfft... if it makes you feel better." I gulp and look him in the eye, "I couldn't use my quirk, I was roommates with a prissy bitch, and-" Pulling my hair out I groan, "and I was supposed to be a kiss up to her. Cause her dad's the headmaster."
      "How did you survive almost 3 damn years...?"
      "I was thinking about my résumé."
      He cackles, "Then you gave up!"
      "Yea..." I blush and look down.
      "What did ya do to get kicked out?"
      My blush increases, "Tell me (Name)!"
      "Or else I'm telling mom that you got kicked out."          
      I take a deep breath, "Wewerewatchingthesportsfestivalandshewassayingterriblethingsaboutyouandigotmadandbeatherup!"
      "Slower...(N/Name) or I'll fucking roast you."
      "We were watching the sports festival and she was saying terrible things about you so I beat her up!"
      "I am here!" All Might enters the classroom, "We will be skirmishing! Pick a partner." Katsuki and I smirk and look at each other.
      "Whoever wins gets the last protein shake!" I announce.
      "You'll be a fucking mess when I finish!" He lights up his palm and comes at me.
      I dodge him and use my quirk to jump. "Yea sure Katsu!"
      The end of class came and we were still at it. The rest of the class retired for the day and watched.
      Explosions, Punches, Kicks, etc. Back and forth neither of us had the upper hand.
      In the end we both collapsed and I reluctantly raised to my feet, earning a victory.
      "I claim that shake!" 1.A sighs as I once again collapse.
      "Dekuu!" I look up from my paper to see Katsuki bothering Deku.
      I search through my bag and pull out a spray bottle. Walking up to my brother, I squirt him, "Bad Katsuki! Bad!" Seeing steam come out of his ears, I make my leave.

I hoped you enjoyed YoreYara! Request again anytime!

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