Quirk- Hell Flame: User can manipulate fire at will and is immune to fire.
Extra Info- (Name) is Endeavor's fifth born child. Shouto begins to depend on (Name). Since she is the only family that loves him for him. Also this is not incest! Shouto is just reallly protective.Being the child of Endeavor was nothing easy. Always having to stand up for my older siblings was no easy feat. Especially Shouto, since he is 'The prodigy child.'. Just like him, I have plenty of scars, but each came from a different parent.
Laying in my room I hear screams then the sound of my door opening. Peering up I see Shouto with an ice trail behind him. "Hey Nee-San! Are you okay?" With angry tears falling out of his eyes I open my arms wide, "come here." He rushes over to me and begins to sob into my shirt. Rubbing his back I whisper sweet nothings into his ear.
"(Name)! I just can't. He's to overbearing."
"It's fine. You've come far by accepting your quirk as your own. You should introduce me to the boy who help you overcome it."
Nodding he replies, "That would be nice. Come by after school and you can meet my class mates."
Smiling I look down at him, "Would you like to sleep here tonight?" Cue another nod. Petting his hair soft snores begin to emit from him.
The next day I awake to find Shouto long gone, glancing at my clock it reads 9 o'clock. Dressing myself I head to the kitchen and fix up some (food).
As I cook, I pat down my (H/C) bedhead. Considering I have (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes I've always been called the oddball of the family. That being the topic of most of my abuse I had used to despise it, now I embrace it.
Eating my food I begin to perform my chores and some miscellaneous tasks. Being a disappointment to Endeavor I was not permitted to go to school, but Shouto being the awesome brother he is taught me all he learned. Though I am a year younger than him I have the same smarts as any 1st year high schooler should have.
Looking at the clock again I see it is time for me to meet up with Shouto. Exiting the house I begin my trek towards U.A.
Once getting there I find my brother with a broccoli haired male. Rushing up to them I introduce myself, "Hello there! I'm (Name) Todoroki. Thank you for helping my bro!"
"H-hi, Todoroki-chan! I'm Izuku Midorya." While giving him a hug and as he awkwardly pats my back, Shouto glares daggers at the broccoli haired boy.
"Guyyyysssss!!! Let's get some rameeeeen!" I cheer. The two males accompanying me comply.
Arriving at the destination we all seat ourselves. Beginning to chat about the day's lessons we overhear another table talking about, me.
"Do you see her jugs?! They're huge!"
"I see what you mean. I'd tap that."
As the comments continued to become vulgar, I begin to shift uncomfortably. Hearing a slam I see Shouto walking up to the boys with fire and ice surrounding him.
"Who were you talking about? What would you like to tap? Do you wish to die so young?" Continuing with his threats I turn towards Midoriya.
"You should probably leave. I'll handle him."
"You act like this has happened before! Has it?"
Nodding uncomfortably I begin, "Yea. He well...... is quite overprotective of me. He easily gets jealous and angered if the topic is me. It was nice meeting you." Bowing in apology I quickly head over to Shouto, "Nee-San let's just go. Everything is okay." Shouto continues to breathe heavily.
"No." Shoving me aside, he turns his attention back to the boys, "Us fight, outside now." With waiting for an answer he heads outside. The boys follow each with a cocky demeanor. Groaning, with the knowledge I wouldn't be able to stop.
Taking my time with following them, knowing what was bound to happen. I enter the nearest allley way to see Shouto standing over the boys, holding a bloodied knife made of ice.
"Nee-san you can't keep killing people for my sake." He faces me with a crazed look in his mismatched eyes.
"I've trained you well. You don't gag at bodies anymore." Hugging me he continues, "I'd only kill for my precious little sister."
Hugging back I shiver at the thought of my, 'Training'. Remembering the suffering he put me through, starving me, killing my friends, repeatedly repeating 'I do this cause I need toprotect you'. I had thought my father was an angel. But thinking back on it I still love and accept him, he only did it for me after all.
Activating my quirk I then burn each of the bodies with Shouto.

My Hero Academia Oneshots + Matchups
FanfictionHere you can read countless variations or the exact same characters Kohei Horikoshi has created. Maybe you're curious to who your perfect MHA match is? I'll pair you up to the best of my capabilities! Currently requests are closed; Both...