Here you can read countless variations or the exact same characters Kohei Horikoshi has created.
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Quirk- Personal Gravity: User can manipulate their gravitational field, allowing them to make themselves light or heavy, cause themselves to fall in any direction, and levitate. Extra Info- (Name) is Uraraka's older twin sister.
"Yes~ Yes!" Uraraka stands in her room connecting yarn to a chart concerning her sister and Midoriya. She then rubs her hands together, "I shall pair them up!" Knock, knock "H-Holy s-sh-" Uraraka slips and falls off the chair she was standing on. "Ochaco? What's going on? I heard maniacal laughter." (Name) peeks her head into her sisters room. "Umm....I won't question you but, we have to leave for school soon. I'll make sure your breakfast can be transportable." "Thanks sis!" "It's no problem! Now, hurry!" ~~~~~ Dozing, Uraraka begins to dream of her favorite paring. "T-thank you Uraraka!" The newly wed Midoriya's bow towards Uraraka. "I'm so grateful for your sacrifices in pairing us up! We'll be naming our child after you!" "Ah yes please do Deku!" Back in reality (Name) was shaking her sister awake. "O-Ochaco! It's lunch." "Ah yes please do Deku!" Blushing massively and thinking, the unmentionable, (Name) rushes out of the classroom and leaves the sleeping Ochaco to fend for herself. ~~~~~ "Oh, (Name)~~~" Called girl turns around. "What is it Ochaco?" "You like Deku right...?" (Name) gives an ashamed look, "I-I do, but it's obvious he likes you and you return it. I'm about to say something cliche, but as long as he and you are happy, I rejoice." "W-wha?!" Uraraka dramatically falls back, "I-I'll Be in my room!" She scurries off. "O-okay! Dinner'll be ready soon!" ~~~~~ Dialing Deku's number, Uraraka activates her quirk and goes through her window. "H-Hello Uraraka? W-what's wrong?" "Are you aware that my sister likes you?" "E-eep! S-she does?" "I thought you were smart Deku!" "I-I don't know how to respond to that." "Meet me at the side of my house bye!" "Wait-" Uraraka quickly ends the call and begins to pace, awaiting her future brother-in-law. ~~~~~ Sore and out of breath, Midoriya arrives. "W-what do you n-need?" "Confess to my sister and then kiss or something!" "I-I can't do that! She said she didn't r-return my feelings!" Eyes widening at this newfound information, Uraraka questions, "She didn't return them?" "She said that I shouldn't feel forced to confess to her. So she refused...." "Urggh! She's so stupid!" She activates her quirk on Midoriya and raises him into her room, "Confess!" Her face becomes dark, "Or else I use what Gunhead-sensei taught me!" "Meep!" ~~~~~ "Dinner's ready Ochaco!" Midoriya glances out the window to see Uraraka urging him to go. He reluctantly exits her room and enters the dinning area. "I-I'm sorry about be-" (Name) turns around to be greeted by a shuffling Midoriya. "M-Midoriya?! What're you doing here?" "Uraraka told me about your feelings..." Her face turns a scarlet, "So this time please except my feelings!" "I can't! You like Ochaco! Please stop this madness!" She is stopped by a kiss on her forehead. "The only thing mad about this I-is that you won't except me..." "H-huh...? So you really actually like me?" He hugs her, "Always have and always will." "Damn Deku you smooth!" Now it was his turn to blush, "D-don't say that Uraraka!"