Matchups #2

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      Happy New Years Eve!

      I'd pair you up with, Natsu! Wait...wrong anime,I meant Bakugo! (Not only since you requested him, but because you match up!)

Why I'd pair you two up: ~ To even get Bakugou to think of you, at all, you'd have to confident and not take shit from anyone!~ Your competitive nature would be perfect! Your dates would consist of sparring and the occasional visit to the arcade

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Why I'd pair you two up:
~ To even get Bakugou to think of you, at all, you'd have to confident and not take shit from anyone!
~ Your competitive nature would be perfect! Your dates would consist of sparring and the occasional visit to the arcade.
~ You're not uptight, and you're a bit dirty-minded, so Bakugo could crack his type of jokes anytime.
~ Your short structure is a perfect arm-rest for him.
~ You both tease each other, and I don't mean the cutesy type, it's borderline mean. To an outsider they'd think you were having a couples quarrel.

How it would happen:
In class you two were sworn rivals. Grades, hero classes, who could get to class earlier, who could eat faster, everything was a competition for you two!
He would eventually admit you were friends, and it would escalate from there.

I would pair you up with, Dabi!

Why I would pair you two up:~ To be with him you would have to be smart, as well as capable of giving a witty remarks

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Why I would pair you two up:
~ To be with him you would have to be smart, as well as capable of giving a witty remarks. (Which you are!)
~ He isn't stupid, and he's a quick-thinker! The opposite of stupid!
~ He wouldn't care if you're a kuudere, because he rarely expresses emotions as well.
~ He doesn't like it when people sugar-coat things, it annoys him and prevents him from getting the truth. So your blunt nature would be welcomed.
~ He isn't much for big groups, so he wouldn't judge your social awkwardness. He'd just veer the you and him away from those situations.

How it would happen:
He was of on a job with twice, when they decided to stop at a deli. (On twice's request). You happened to be there staring off into space.
      Twice had believed our were picking a fight with him, and started to yell at you. Eventually Dabi had to intervene before it got out of hand.

      I would pair you up with, Tetsutetsu!

Why I would pair you two up: ~ He loves to exercise! Your dates would consist of volleyball games, soccer, and other sports!~ He loves your bits of chub! Even if it's a little, there's more of you to cuddle!~ He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed...

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Why I would pair you two up:
~ He loves to exercise! Your dates would consist of volleyball games, soccer, and other sports!
~ He loves your bits of chub! Even if it's a little, there's more of you to cuddle!
~ He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, so he often comes to you for tutoring; or even advice on his fighting technique.
~ When he isn't training, he enjoys sitting next to you and observing you draw.
~ His lightheartedness would help a lot with your stress.

How it would happen:
He would see you talking to Ibara, and introduce himself. Throughout the talk he got to know you (a bit) and proclaimed that you two were friends.
You became flustered, and he noticed immediately. After that, it became apart of his schedule to see you blush.

      Chieri-and-swords (a.k.a: Fawn):
      I'd pair you up with, Midoriya!

Why I would pair you two up:~ This boy is eager to learn! Your dates would be spent at libraries, museums, zoos, and aquariums! ~ This boy strives to be a hero and help! His partner must be willing to help others

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Why I would pair you two up:
~ This boy is eager to learn! Your dates would be spent at libraries, museums, zoos, and aquariums!
~ This boy strives to be a hero and help! His partner must be willing to help others.
~ Though he is a bit on the shy and reserved side he isn't afraid to step up to help you! Especially when you're in a crowd, he knows you don't like loud noises. So count on him to have spare ear plugs and buds!
~ He often studies heroes and takes notes, and your input is a must to him. Especially since you enjoy psychology!
~ You would each watch documentaries on conspiracy theories. Then talking until the break of dawn about it.

How it would happen:
Midoriya being as clumsy as he is tripped and fell on you. It was in the park in the middle of summer.
He dropped his hero analysis, and you picked it up and handed it to him. Conversation then started from there about heroes.
Finally noticing how late it was you exchanged numbers.

I would pair you up with, Ojiro!

Why I would pair you two up:~ With his calm demeanor, he would be able to handle your hyper personality

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Why I would pair you two up:
~ With his calm demeanor, he would be able to handle your hyper personality.
~ He's a honorable person. He judges people by how they act, not their appearance or sexuality.
~ On special occasions he enjoys taking you to broadway, but expect to be in the nosebleeds! He is still in high school.
~ He doesn't really listen to music, but he has been changed ever since he started talking to you. He wouldn't admit it, but he now hums along to K-Pop.

How it would happen:
      You would probably be close friends with Hagakure. So, ever since they started hanging out you tagged along.
      Eventually, Hagakure caught on to your mutual crush and played matchmaker.

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