Not Her Quirk- (Shy) Katsuki Bakugou x Reader [Request]

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Thanks for requesting Szysiaaa! Hope you enjoy!

Quirk- Alpha Wolf: User has the traits of an alpha! User has enhanced strength, speed, sight, and hearing. User also has wolffish ears, fangs, and tail. Though the user has an imitating aura, which often veers people away from the user. And when angered can petrify even the most hot-headed of people.
Extra Info- (Name) is in 1.A and is often avoided because of her quirk, when in reality she's a sweetheart.

       "Good Mornin' Ida-kun!" I wave towards the class president as he erratically spouted orders.
      "G-good morning (Last Name)!" He stiffly greeted me.
I plop myself in my seat and observe my surrounding classmates.
Midoriya questioning Todoroki's quirk, as Uraraka intently listened. Tsuyu questioning Kaminari's stupidity as he innocently blinked. And so forth.
I wish I could join them. But my quirk often scares them away.
"G-good morning, Kacchan!"
"Shut the fuck up Deku." Bakugou stomps over to his seat, and angrily pulls his seat out.
"Good morning, Bakugou-kun." Bakugou, subtly, blushes and waves.
"G-good morning, (Last Name)-San..."
I lie my head down, "Don't be so formal with me! Call me (Name)."
"A-Alright...then c-call me Katsuki..."
      "Yay! Nobody's ever let me call them by their first."
"A-h......" Katsuki mutters something incoherently.
"Can you speak up, Katsuki-kun...?"
His blush increases, "I-I'm glad...I-I'm your f-first."
I squeal in delight, "You're so precious!" I reach over and hug him, "I'm so glad we're friends!"
"M-me too..."
1.A stared at the sight before them. The hot-headed Bakugou was being shy towards the sweet yet intimidating (Last Name).
'Yum! I got me some gud stuff... maybe Katsuki will let me sit with him...'
I exited the kitchen and looked through the mass of students for my friend. Using my snout, I eventually pick his scent up.
"Hey why do you talk to (Last Name)? Especially if her quirk effects you like that."
"Yea Bakugou! Kirishima's right. You know you could just ignore her like the rest of us."
Several explosions resound, "The fuck you mean...?"
"You're all cutesy and shy around her!"
"That's not her fucking quirk! She's nice to me. You're all assholes, you shouldn't ignore someone because of their quirk."
I place my tray marginal to Katsuki, "Thanks Katsuki-kun, you're a true friend."
"Ah, we should leave." Mina and Kirishima excuse themselves and scurry off.
"I-it's no problem..."
My eyes begin to water, "I'm glad it wasn't my quirk that made you talk to me."
"O-of course it's not...I f-fuckin like you..."
I grasp his hand and give it a peck, "Me, too."

Hoped you enjoyed Szysiaaa!

      For the Q&A you're allowed to ask more than one question (forgot to add that)! And The Q&A and raffle won't close till 11 tomorrow night (eastern time).

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