Here you can read countless variations or the exact same characters Kohei Horikoshi has created.
Maybe you're curious to who your perfect MHA match is? I'll pair you up to the best of my capabilities!
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Thanks Bop-Jo for requesting! I hope you enjoy and I give you ideas!
Quirk- Shapeshifter: User can change their body's appearance into any living creature!
She was confident in her training, nine times out of ten she successfully came out with clothes! 90% chance, that was way over half! She hadn't expected to transform and have her clothes littered around her. 'Well...shit this isn't good.' (Name) gazed at the boy before her. "You're so cute..." Midoriya brightly smiled at the cat. "Though it's quite weird your surrounded by clothes." 'You can be so oblivious sometime Izuku!' Midoriya gently rubbed the cat. "You're so sweet..." (Name) released a purr. She might as well enjoy it; it would be awhile before she could find clothes. Midoriya lifted the cat, "Maybe I can talk to you about something." 'Hmm...I can have dirt on Izuku! But I can't use it on the poor cinnamon roll...' "There's this girl I really like..." He stared at the cloudless sky, "I don't know if I can tell her. She's so kind...and strong...and so much more! I would never be able to describe her perfection in words." (Name) inwardly rolls her eyes, he was fawning over someone and she didn't necessarily care. "Meow." His eyes were forlorn, yet at the same time sparkled, "I don't have a chance with her! But it won't stop me from admiring her!" "Meow!" Midoriya must've taken that as encouragement, "You're right I should try to ask her! Just you wait (Name)!" The cat that was seated marginal to the boy screeched and hissed, and soon ran off. Leaving Midoriya to question his answer. 'AHHHHHH, MEEEEEE?!' (Name) thought, 'WHY DO I SUDDENLY CARE?!!' (Name) had sprinted towards her house, and pawed the back door until her mother came out. "(Name) is that you?" The cat that laid before the woman mewed. "Again?! Stop with these idiotic pranks." The cat ignored the woman and walked up the stairs. "Goddamnit it (Name)! ~~~~~ After contemplating in the shower after transforming, (Name) stood in the corner with her head propped against the wall. "H-how does he like me?!" 'She's so kind and strong and so much more!' Midoriya's words ran through (Name)'s head, repeatedly. Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt (Name)'s phone continually buzzed. "O-oh dear..." (Name) slowly shuffled to her phone, anxiety crept up her back sending a chill. Midoriya's name read in bright lettering. (Name) reluctantly read the messages. '(Name), I have to tell you something!' 'It's been on my mind for a while, and I've finally gotten the courage to speak up!' (Name) did not wish to reread the embarrassing comments that he had made. She quickly typed a 'Meow' 'Meow?' One minute, than two, than three past until he finally replied. 'Were you that cat?' 'Yep...' (Name) could imagine the broccoli-headed boy blowing a fuse at that moment. 'U-um a date perhaps?' 'Sure! ^^'
I hoped you enjoyed Bop-Jo! And I hope I've rid of ur writers block! Tell me the name of the x reader, I'd love to check it out!