Here you can read countless variations or the exact same characters Kohei Horikoshi has created.
Maybe you're curious to who your perfect MHA match is? I'll pair you up to the best of my capabilities!
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Thanks -whiterosebuds- for requesting! Hope you enjoy! I'm not gonna make the reader attempt suicide, though I'll still give you some angst!
Quirk- Fire Dragon: User can breathe fire, and boost their physical attacks with it. In its 'final form' user develops scales and wings. Extra Info- (Name) and Bakugou are in a longtime relationship. Trigger Warning!
"You still have some shit like this?" Katsuki picks up my dinky rabbit plush. "Ah, Yea... I've had that for ages it helps me to calm down, after I have an episode." I give an embarrassed chuckle and attempt to retrieve it. "It's trash, just throw it away. All those episodes are just in you damn head." He chucks the toy into a nearby bin. "Katsuki please give it back. I'm not as great as you..." He gives an arrogant smirk, "Damn right." He kicks the bin to the side, "Your welcome!" With tears glistening I nod, "Thanks." I slowly crouch in-front of the bin and lift up the now stained plush. "Um, I'll be right back I'm going to the laundry room." "What the fuck, I honestly don't understand why you depend on that damn thing. You have me for a reason." I pivot on the ball of my foot, "Damnit Katsuki! Whenever I try going to you for comfort, you say it's in my head." "The fuck you say? It is!" He stands up and I cower back. "I-I'm sorry!" The taut dams keeping my tears away broke. Katsuki's face contorts into a scowl, "Let's Just go the fuck to sleep." I slowly nod and shuffle to my bed. ~~~~~ "Super...moves?" My head tilts sideways as I give Kirishima a look. "Yea! They're like ultimate attacks! We should create some! How about it (Name), Bakugou?" I smile, "I'm for it! Katsuki?" "Whatever shitty-hair as long as I get to train." I cheer, grab Katsuki's hand, and drag him towards Kirishima. ~~~~~ I pant and wheeze, my eyes widen at my form. "I-I did it? I did it!" I jump excitedly, slowly flapping my manifested wings. After attempting flight with my new appendages, I rush up to the two boys. "Look guys! I've unlock my 'final form'!" I flaunt at the boys, while one scoffs and the other stares in admiration. "(Name) that's sooo cool!" Katsuki rolls his eyes, "As if, my regular explosions are 10 times better than this shit." My expression saddens, "Oh, but I tried really hard. It took my mother until her 3rd year to unlock this." "Then your mother's probably a lot worse than I thought she was." My demeanor hardens, "Katsuki you can put me down all I want!" I begin to seethe at the boy, "But never, and I mean NEVER! INSULT MY MOTHER! She balances pro work and a family!" "The fuck? Since when do you stand up? You're just an extra who has some worth! You're fuckin pathetic! Who sleeps with a SHITTY TOY? WHO CALLS ME AT MIDNIGHT TO FUCKING TALK THEIR HEART OUT? YOU'RE SO PATHETIC! NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOU!" Kirishima activates his quirk as he sees tears fall from my eyes. "Bakugou that's enough." "Hell no! She's so damn pathetic! She needs people to accept her, ITS ALL IN HER DAMN HEAD!" By then, I was sprinting towards my dorm. ~~~~~ "Guys, it's been a week is she okay?" Kirishima nervously glances at her door, worry evident in his eyes. "I leave her food, and it looks like she eats it." Todoroki stares as he lifts up a tray. "She hasn't replied to anyone." Midoriya adds. As the students brainstorm solutions, one explosive student sits in the lobby contemplating. ~~~~~ The clock read 11:24. I laid staring at my ceiling. Did anyone miss me, or worry for me. Probably not, Katsuki did say nobody cares for me. Knock I glanced at my door, and refused to release a peep. "Open the fuck up!" Katsuki whispers. He continually knocks until a slide and a thump is heard. "Fuck it, I'm sorry so damn sorry." A sucked breath is heard, "You're so good, so damn good to me. You're so sweet and kind. And you stick with a fucker like me! You're quirk was so amazing, I was afraid that you'd beat me!" A click resonates and Katsuki looks up, I meekly smile as I crouch down. "I'm sorry I made you cry... I really am pathetic." He envelops me in a hug. "Fuck no. I'm sorry, so fuckin sorry!" "It's okay, I'm the pathetic one." He harshly hits me, "No your not!" I gape, "B-but." "But nothing! I love you shithead!" "T-thank you." I then begin to sob as Katsuki awkwardly comforts me.
Hoped you enjoyed -whiterosebuds-!
Remember Requests open tomorrow! You'll know when I post an update saying requests!