Hot- Katsuki Bakugou x Reader

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Quirk- Detonator: When the user touches an object, they can touch one of their two fingers together to detonate it. User can also control what type of explosion it is. (Examples- Thumbs- regular explosion, Ring finger- ice, Middle finger- Acid, Pointer finger- stun, and Pinkie- sound).
Extra Info- (Name) is rather laid-back and reserved. Katsuki had declared that she was a phony and was copying him. He also believes they are rivals, which (Name) doesn't care for (which aggravates him more). ((Name) replaces Mineta)
Warning Cursing

      "Today's class will be spent skirmishing." Aizawa's monotone voice echoed throughout the class room, followed by the cheers of my oh-so rambunctious peers. "Change into your hero outfits." Hearing the slams of chairs and the stumps of my classmates I quietly stand-by waiting for them to all leave the classroom.
Once they do so I grab my hero outfit, which consisted of a fire patterned kimono with black tights layered with shin guards. While my arms sported a shield that connected with each other when pressed together.
Exiting the girls restroom I find that I am the last one out. "Sorry for the wait..." I mutter as I line up for the rest of them.
Hearing a 'bam' and having dust scattered around us I cough, "I am here! Now we will pick lots to see who will be on each team."
After everyone had picked their lots All Might announced the teams, "Blue Team will consist of Midoriya, Asui, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Aoyama, Koda, Sato, Hagugakure, Kaminari, and (Name)! Red Team will have Ashido, Ida, Uraraka, Mashiro, Kirishima, Shoji, Jirou, Sero, Tokoyami, and Bakugou!" All Might then passes coordinating headbands for each team, "We will be having a capture the flag skirmish. You will-" Ida abruptly raises his hand.
"Will we be able to use our quirks?"
All Might chuckles, "I was just about to say that young Ida! Now I'm assuming you each know the rules of capture the flag." A chorus of 'yes' emits. "Head to your teams starting location!" Once everyone does so he gives no time to spare, "BEGIN!" Everyone begins to run in their own direction. Some play defensive while others go offensive. Personally I stay defending the flag at the opposite end of the field.
Hearing explosions I see Bakugou coming, straight at me. I groan in irritation knowing he was aiming at me not the flag. Jumping up and coming down with explosions I use my shield and jump back.
"How childish...."
"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU BITCH!?" Bending down I pick up pebbles and chuck them at him. "Stun!" Tapping my fingers together, his eyes widen.
"FUCK!" A blinding white light engulfs him as a pick up some more pebbles.
     "Ice!" Trapping him in ice I tap him, "You're out."
      "God damnit, you FUCKIN BITCH!"
      "I'm not a dog." Walking away I leave him encased in ice. Turning I see the surprised eyes of my peers, "What?" Snapping their heads away from me they continue with the game. What I failed to notice was the blush the formed on his cheeks.
The following day we were tasked to spar with one another, unfortunately I was picked to be partners with Bakugou.
"You bitch!" Getting into our positions I see that our classmates formed a circle around us. Sighing I wait for him to make the first move, which he takes.
      Repeatedly dodging his onslaught of attacks I make it look like child's play. Tapping his bicep I create an explosion, "Explode."
      Incapacitating him Aizawa names me victor. "I'll take him to Recovery Girl." Seeing him nod, I pick him up with no hassle.
      Walking to the office I begin to hear Bakugou mumble. "Your so damn hot when you beat me up...." Blushing immensely at his perverted words, I slam open Recovery Girl's door and slam him on s bed.
      "Please heal him ma'am.." Sighing then complaining about today's youth she activated her quirk and heals him.
      "Watch him (Last Name)." Saluting then sitting marginal to him I place my head down on the bed. Hearing him utter other perverted words/noises such as, 'Mhmmm' 'Damn your hot...'.
      Several hours later and he shows no sign of waking up. Ruffling my hair in annoyance I hear a groan. Turning I see Bakugou begin to sit up.
      "Sleep well perve..?"
      Giggling I look up at him to see red, "You mumbled some interesting words. Apparently I'm hot?" Literal steam comes out of his ears.
      "UH- it was NOTHING YOU DELUSIONAL BITCH!" Breaking out into full laughter I stand up.
      "If it was nothing then, I'll take my leave." Pivoting I feel a hand on my wrist.
      "Aren't you persuasive! Sure, why not...." Smiling I kiss him on the forehead, I cause a fuse and I finally leave.

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