I am- Shouto Todoroki x Reader [Request]

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Thanks yvetfs for requesting! I'm honored that you chose me to write a oneshot you've always wanted to read😊

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Thanks yvetfs for requesting! I'm honored that you chose me to write a oneshot you've always wanted to read😊

Quirk- Limb livelihood: User can detach their limbs and control them as if it were a drone! The User can see and hear through the drone. User can regrow the limb, or reattach it. Though the drone can only last for about 20 minutes without the host (user's body).
      Extra Info- (Name) is the daughter of the previous number 2 hero, Parasyte. Whom is thirsty for revenge. He wishes to over throw Endeavor and trains his daughter to do so.

      My mother is oblivious. She's blinded by her love for my father. For the nth time she waved off my bruises.
      "You've always been clumsy hon'."
"But, Mum!" She glared and shushed me.
      My father is rotten. He's filled with a lust for power, so much that he decided to dictate me to become a hero and overthrow Endeavor.
      It started off with a simple, 'train harder' but then it shifted to, 'train or no dinner'. I attempted to disobey him, but that led to starvation, dehydration, and broken bones.
      He eventually morphed me into the tool he wanted. I listened to him, I was his perfect little puppet.
When it was time for me to apply to a high school, my father wasted no time in recommending me to U.A.
I had originally thought that he applied me there to further exceed my abilities. Boy, was I wrong. He heard that Endeavor's son, Shouto Todoroki, would be attending. The supposedly just hero, Parasyte wished for me to kill him.
Knowing I couldn't resist him I agreed.
"Father, I'll do it. Though allow me to observe him. I'll learn his weaknesses and possibly learn some about Endeavor."
He gave a prideful smirk, "I've trained you well, (Name). Now do me well."
And so my days at U.A began. Training there was rigorous, yet could never compare to the torture my father inflicted.
I learned about, Shouto Todoroki his quirk, weakness, likes, dislikes, and schedule. We became 'friends'.
Whenever we would crack a joke, or simply talked a small part of me ached. It hurt knowing I was supposed to kill him.
More time passed, and my father grew impatient.
"(Name) the sports festival is nearing! Kill him afterwards or else!"
"Y-yes Father..."
The sports festival came and I watched.
I lazily lie my head down on the stadium's banister. I had made it into the final round. I was waiting for my battle against, Tokoyami. I had just defeated Kaminari in a battle.
"Next up is Izuku Midoriya and Shouto Todoroki!"
The two boys walk onto the field and I mentally sigh. It was time to take more notes on Shouto. But I was pleasantly surprised.
The battle waged like no other. Midoriya had convinced Shouto to use his flames.
When the first spark of his flames flew, I realized I couldn't kill the boy.
Shouto Todoroki had been my escape from my brutal reality. I loved him and couldn't kill him. Perhaps that was the ache I felt whenever I was with him.
My father on the other hand wanted him killed. I couldn't procrastinate any more with half-assed excuses.
"Father, please wait longer!" He abruptly stood from his desk and pushed me to the side.
"I never learn do I? If you want something done you have to do it yourself."
"No!" He sent me a petrifying glare and threw me to the side. My very being ached, I couldn't move.
He left with the slam of a door. I attempted to stand, but my eyes forcefully closed.
      I later awoke to the fragrance of smoke. I momentarily thought it was my mother's burnt pancakes.
      I took a deep breath, memories flooded, and then I coughed. I hacked and wheezed, realizing it wasn't burnt pancakes, but a fire.
     Slowly and steadily I made my way to a nearby window. I activated my quirk and made a chain of drones. That chain became a makeshift rope.
      I climbed down and limped outside. Some minor heroes encircled the area, as well as first responders.
      "There's a survivor! Get a med!" I was led into an ambulance, where I received a medical exam.
      "Parasyte," I croaked, "Any news on him...?"
      The doctors gave each other a look. "Oh honey..." She placed a hand on my shoulder, "He was arrested last night for attempted murder."
      Tears of relief flowed, "S-so no victims...?" She slowly nodded.
      After I was given an answer, I gave into my fatigue. I awoke a day later in a hospital room.
      I glanced at my surroundings. Everything was a sickening white. Except a bouquet of red and white roses.
      "Pretty..." I mumbled.
      Muttering those words led to a nurse finding me awake. She rejoiced and quickly called a doctor.
      I had several fractured bones, severe burns, and minor internal bleeding. Most were from my father.
      Speaking of my father, I wanted an exact answer.
      "Please Doctor, tell me of my parents." He gave me a undecipherable look.
      "There's a detective here about that." He paused and stared at the ground, "Tsukauchi, I believe."
      The same man walked in and the doctor excused himself.
      I glared at the ground, "Be blunt, please don't beat around the bush."
      He took off his hat, "Your father was convicted with attempted murder and child abuse. He has a life sentence. Your mother. When she found out, she went berserk she caused that fire as a form of suicide."
      "Ah, mum always loved dad."
      He gave me a perplexed look, "You're not upset?"
      "No, I am. Yet it's so strange, I feel light, free, no more shackles. But I have nothing." I gave a smile and gazed at the window, "What's going to happen to me?"
      "You'll be moved to a apartment near U.A. Nedzu was kind enough to provide a monthly allowance. You'll go back to class in three days time."
      "That's a relief..."
      All that, has led to now. I am seated at my desk, with a card in front of me.
      'My hero name?' 
      "(Name)," Midnight called, "You're the last one. Hurry!" I glanced down at the name one last time and nodded.
      'Alright! Let's do this.' My bandaged form limps to the podium. I flip my card and hear gasps.
      "Parasyte? Are you sure (Name)?" Midnight questioned.
      With a firm nod I began, "I plan on redeeming this name. My father was once an honorable man...but he was consumed by a lust for power. Everything that has happened, everything that will happen. This name has and will stick by my side." I stop and stare directly at my class.
      "I am the Redeeming Hero: Parasyte."

Hoped you enjoyed yvetfs! I really enjoyed writing this!

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