Chapter 2

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"Where are we going?" I asked her as the drive felt longer an longer.

"Don't worry about that." She stated not taking her eyes off the road. A grin grew on her face. I shook my head and looked out the window. I did not recognize where we were, and I felt like she didn't either.

I laid my head on the window as I went into thought about my whole life. What would I do if my mother died? She was all that I had left. She is the reason I keep going cause I know she is fighting for me.

I couldn't be left alone with my father, I don't know how I would bare with his abuse, hatred, and yelling every day of my life for the simplest things. I don't know how long I could live with him before going crazy.

Even if I did graduate, I could go to college cause I wouldn't get a scholarship and I would have any money to pay for it. My future isn't looking so bright at this point in my life. I don't want to be working at no fast food restaurant for the rest of my life. Because I am better than that, I KNOW I'm better than that.

We went over a bump and it snapped me out of my thought. I looked at my surroundings and I noticed that we were back at my house, "What the hell, Summer?" I yelled at her.

"You needed the time away from your house to think, and you did." She simply said. I knew she was right but I didn't want to go back. I looked at the house and sighed. "I can't go back in there," I got slower, "I can't." I looked down at my hands.

"Doll face, you know I have been with you from the start. Everything that you've been through and needed I was there to help you. I know that you need to stop running away from your problems and face them." She tried to console me.

"No! You don't understand. You don't. Your mother is healthy, your dad doesn't beat you, he cares for you. You aren't failing. You have been there, yea. But it hasn't made a difference. Nothing has changed and it won't. I'm stuck with this, and there isn't anything anyone can do. Don't feel sorry for me, don't pity me. I came to your house to get away from this, not to come back. Goodbye, sweetheart." I finished my rant by getting out of the car heading up the stairs to the house.

I sighed when I unlocked the door and headed into the house. The smell of weed immediately hit my nose. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"I'm home." I stated as I entered the house. I heard the living rooms tv on, my dad. I walked passed him headed to the kitchen so that I could give my mother her medicine. "Where have you been?" My father came into the kitchen. His smell was stronger than I expected, and he looked mad. "I was over Summer house." I stated, running the water so that I can fill the glass.

"Your mother is very upset at you." He came closer.

"I know and I'm sorry. I'm trying, but it's hard." I opened the cabinet, grabbing the medicine. I tried not to make eye contact with him because I knew that I would lose my confidence.

"What is your problem?" At this moment he was hovering over me.

"Nothing," I chocked on my words, "it's just hard."

"When I knock the living daylight out of you for failing, that will be hard!" He yelled. His voice was so deep and high when he yelled he scared me. I stumbled backward and fell straight on my ass, the glass was still in my hand and it fell along with me shattering everyone. Pieces landed in my hand and I yelled in pain. "Look what your dumb ass did. Get up and pick it up!" He stated as he looked down at me. "You're a worthless piece of shit." He kept saying harsh things about me going back into the living room.

I used my uncut hand and got up from the floor. I held my wrist as I looked at the piece of glass sticking out of my hand and the blood dripping from my hand. I winced as I slowly pulled the piece of glass of and got a rag tying it around my hand, tightening it with my mouth.

I got the groom and swept up the glass and dumped it inside of the trash can. I got my mother another glass of water, grabbed her medicine and headed to her room.

I knocked on the door lightly, before entering. She was laying up watching Maury. That brought a smile back to my face remembering when we use to watch this together yelling at each other saying that, that was the baby daddy or wasn't. Or saying that that girl is a hoe for what she was doing. My mother noticed the smile on my face, "Come on baby girl." She said skidding over and lifting the covers up so that I can join her watching the show.

"Take your medicine first." I started giving her the glass and the medicine. She looked at my hand with the tag around it. I instantly hid it. She took her medicine, and I climbed into the bed.

"What happened?" She asked. I sighed and remembered the actions that just took place. "Was it your father?" She asked me. My mother knew what my father did. She talked to him about that but he didn't listen. My father may be mean, but I knew there wasn't something still deep down in him, he respected her... he still loved her. "I fell while fixing your water and a piece of glass went into my hand."

"How'd you fall?" She continued to question me. I didn't want to tell her about what my father did cause I knew that she didn't need to be more stressed than she already was. "I heard your father yell." She snapped me out of my thought.

"Yea, he scared me when he did and I fell." She shook her head and then that when she started coughing. I rubbed her back softly. When she stopped she looked at me. My mother has beautiful hazel eyes, that I have now also. "What is wrong with your grades, baby girl? Why are you failing." She said softly.

"I'm falling behind... with everything here, I can't keep up." I told her honestly. She shook her head. She stares at the TV for awhile. I hated disappointing my mother, or making her mad, seeing her sad, or even in this state. I turned my head to the TV, "That's his child." I stated, trying the break the silence.

"It isn't." She replied.

"Come on! They have the same nose and ears." I pleaded my case.

"That nose and ears belong to the mother." She corrected me.

"The results are in." Maury interrupted our debate. "In the case of 5-month-old Kennedy, De'Arrious... you are NOT the father!" My mouth flew open.

"What I told you!" My mother yelled and laughed at the same time. I shook my head in disbelief. A smile slowly formed on my face as the memories flooded my mind. "Whatever." I shooed her away.

"It's okay, baby girl. You never were good with these." She smiled at me. I rolled my eyes. I hugged her, and this moment felt so good. Her arms wrapped around me and at this moment all my worries went away. I was in the arms of someone that I loved so dearly and loved me back. Someone that I knew would care for me no matter what and wouldn't care for any of my flaws. At this moment there wasn't anything that could make me mad cause I was in my mothers' arms.

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