Chapter 12

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I searched around my room, nothing. I looked at the clock and it was 6:08. I groaned throwing the covers off of me and getting up. It was Monday. The last week of school for seniors. I'll find out if I'm graduating next week or not.

I did my regular morning routine. I put on a hoodie that looked like it was swallowing me, some old jeans and vans. I was lazy today and didn't care how I came off. I wasn't trying to impress anyone. I went into the living room, skipping breakfast. I text Charles and asked him for a ride to school. I got up and went into my parent's room. My father was sound asleep and my mother wasn't there. I closed the door quietly and went into the kitchen, she wasn't there. I checked the hall bathroom, nothing. I was worried. My phone buzzed and Charles text me.

'I'm outside.'

I got my bag and left out the house, my mother still on my mind. I got inside the car and Charles was just staring at me, "What?" I asked him.

"You look a hot mess, where is my baby momma?" He said raising his eyebrow. I was shocked. I rolled my eyes, "I was lazy today, I didn't want to try." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Don't dress our baby like that. Cause we will have a problem." He said cutting on the car.

"Shut up." I said hitting his arm. He smiled and we headed towards the school.


Summer wasn't at school. That made me wonder if her coming to my room was a dream or was it real. That was my best friend and she has gone missing, and I feel as if it was my fault.

Her parents reported her missing, and the school announced it. I saw her parents when I was leaving the school and I could tell they were pissed at me and Charles. I could understand why, but we weren't the one who kidnapped her. "The police are going to come to you sometime this week and ask for a description of the boy. And ask you questions." Her father simply said and walked away from us.

"Don't worry, Miracle. They're just upset." Charles noticed the feelings going through me at this time. I looked back at him. He put his arm around me and started walking towards the car. I started to think of the boy who she was talking to the day at the beach, but it was like a blank picture. All I could remember was what happened after the fight. It was like everything before that was a blank. I bit down on my lip. I wish she could just come back, wish this could have never happened. Just it could have been us three at the beach having fun, and us three at the movies doing the same. Then all this wouldn't have happened. She would not be missing, maybe killed or held hostage in some dudes basement. Our last conversation was a blur to me. Everything that happened that day was just slowly erasing. "Summer, let it go. Everything will be alright. She is alright. In the end, she will come back and everything will go back to normal." Charles snapped me out of my thought. Were my emotions showing on my face?

"How do you know?" I asked him, kind of getting mad that it seemed as if he didn't care.

"Have faith, Miracle. Damn. Take a chill pill. You can't do anything about it so let it go. You can remember nothing so you won't even be a help. She is fine." He said, stopping the car. I shook my head at him. "Fuck you." I said before leaving the car. We were at my house. All my thoughts about Summer stopped and then my mother came to my mind. "Miracle." Ugh, what now. I turned around and Charles was coming up to me. "What?" I asked him, an attitude in my voice.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out the way it did." He started to plead.

"But it did." I cut him off. "It's like you don't want to talk about it cause you're scared of something." I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"Because maybe I do." He said not looking into my eyes.

"What the fuck do you mean you know something? How could you know something without telling me? That's my best friend. That is your friend!" I yelled at him, repeatedly hitting him.

"Miracle, stop. Stop. Stop!" He yelled at me finally catching my hands pushing me back onto the door, holding my hands over my head. "I couldn't tell anyone." He said to me.

"Why?" I asked lowly, catching my breath.

"Because... I'm in on it."

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