Chapter 10

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"I can't believe you did that."

"She went into beast mode."

"Man, I thought that I would have had to help you in your first fight." They went on and on about what just happened. "Okay, okay. How long are we going to talk about this?" I finally spoke up. The car went silent. We were inside of Charles truck. Don and Charles were leaned over the drivers and passenger seat and Summer was across from me. "Until we sink this in. Miracle, you have never, when I say never, I mean never gotten into a fight. You snapped, what happened?" Summer spoke up.

"She put her hands on me." I shrugged my shoulders. "Are we still going to the movies? It isn't too late." I said trying to change the subject and get off of the topic. "Yea." Charles said, "Summer can take you home and we'll pick you up later to go." He informed me turning around. I nodded my head exiting the car. I walked towards Summer car so that she could drive me home so I could get dressed. "I don't look like anything happened to me?" I asked her before stepping into the car.

"You should ask that about the other girl, but no." She said smiling before getting into the car. I laughed a little to myself opening the door, "Miracle!" I heard my name being called and looked in that direction. Don was running this way, I rolled my eyes and waited till he made his way towards us, "I'm coming by later, text me when you get home." He said once he got in front of me.

"What makes you think that you can do that?" I asked him, trying to hint on my father.

"Because I want to." He said before walking away towards his car. I took a deep breath and sighed aloud. I got into the car aggravated. "Are you going to tell me what happened? Cause Don wouldn't tell us anything." I looked at her as she headed towards the exit of the beach, then I started to tell her all the events that happened. She was silent about what happened, maybe she thought it was stupid as I did. "So who was that boy you were talking to?" I asked her, breaking the silence.

"Oh, you saw him?" Summer started turning red. I smiled and as I noticed the look on her face. "Awe, bestie has a crush?" She asked me.

"No!" She said, "He's just cute, adnheiscomingwithustothemovies" She said really fast.

"Wait what? Summer really? It was just supposed to be us three this Saturday." I whined.

"Well, Charles is bringing a girl." She huffed.

"What great friends you two are."

"Bring Don." She suggested.

"Why would I bring him? You two already was trying to get me away from him, now you want me with him." I asked confused.

"Yea, I don't want you with him, he is bad news. Although you aren't listening so why waste my breath and time?" She stated. I bit my bottom lip and thought, she was telling the truth. They told me he was bad. They even showed me. He proved he was also. Although that still didn't take me away from him. I shook my head at the thought of it. Forget it. I don't care, you learn from your mistakes right?


"Hello, bad girl." He answered. I somewhat smiled at the fact that he changed it from good to bad. "Um, well Summer and Charles somewhat got dates for tonight and-"

"And you want me to be yours?" He cut me off finishing my sentence. I could tell that he was smirking. I sighed hating to say that, "Yea." I told him.

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