Chapter 27

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I woke up in the same position I was in last night. I didn't move cause I knew that I would wake him up. This moment felt peaceful to me and I wanted it to stay like this, until Don groaned, waking up. I smiled to myself, "Good morning." I said.

"Good morning." He said back.

"Slept good?"

"Sure why?"

"Cause the way you snored, sure sounded like it." He started laughing, which caused me to. "Man what ever." He said. I got up and got my clothes for my morning routine. "I'll be back to pick you up. I'm about to go and shower." He told me.

"Wait." I called after him.


"I'm not going to school today." I informed him. He looked at me like I was crazy. I closed the bathroom door back and finished getting dressed. I went into the living room. I sat down and looked over at the chair that my father always sat in and watched TV. I felt so out of place. This all felt out of place. I couldn't even call this home anymore.

My father always said home is where your family is, and my family isn't here. It's only me. I rolled my eyes at the thought of it. It made me mad for some reason. I got up and went outside on the porch. I was done with this neighborhood. I was done with this house. I wanted to leave and never come back. Maybe that will take a burden off of my shoulders.

Don had pulled up in the driveway and came up to the porch sitting next to me, "Why aren't you going?" He asked. I looked towards him and started to wonder why he was being so nice to me. I shook it off and remember my thoughts. "Would you do me a favor?" I asked him.

"You didn't answer my question." He ignored mine.

"Because I don't want to. Now, will you do me a favor?" I questioned.

"What is the favor?" He questioned.

"I need money." I said. I felt so weird asking him for money, although I needed it.

"Why do you need money?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Can this just be a favor without questions? Why is it so important that you know." My anger for some reason was coming out.

"Well if I do you a favor, you have to do one in return." He said with a smirk on his face. I bit my lip not sure of what I should do.

"Fine, what is the favor?" I questioned.

"Let me take your virginity." He said plain and simple. I was taken aback. I never thought that would be the favor he would ask. I never thought of having sex with someone for money. It made me think about all those movies about people who did these things and they didn't think anything but shit about themselves, and I couldn't do it. I didn't want to stoop that low in life for myself for, money. "Never mind." I said, getting up.

"Okay, wait." Don said getting up behind me. "I'll give it to you if you tell me why you need the money." He said. I bit my lip looking down. I didn't want to tell him the truth and I couldn't come up with a lie. "I want to get away." I came out and said. He stared at me for a few seconds.

"No you don't." He came out and said. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"How do you know?" I questioned him.

"I can tell you really don't want to. You're going to get the money, regret it and stay." He told me.

"All I know is, I told you. And you said if I did that you would give me the money so that I could leave." I tried to ignore the conversation. I didn't want anyone on my back trying to stop me from doing what I wanted to do. I think I'm old enough to manage myself now. I'm about to graduate. I'm about to be eighteen years old.

"I know what I'm doing." I said to him.

"Well wherever you go, I'm going." He said. I yelled out loud. He was frustrating me. I thought this was going to be easy. Why is he doing this? When we first met all he wanted to do was fuck me and a few days ago he was threatening me, now he getting all attached. "Make up your mind." That part I said aloud.

"I did." He said.

"I want to do this by myself. Why are you being so clingy?" I said out of frustration. He stared at me for a second. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a clip of money. When he handed it to me it was five g. I looked back up at him, dumbfounded although happy he gave it to me. He brushed past me and walked away, "Wait." I said.

He turned around, "What? You want me to drive you there also?" He questioned. You could tell he was furious.

I sighed, "Never mind."

"No, speak." He said coming back onto the porch, "You were brave enough to say everything else. You were brave enough to ask me for the money, what's holding you back?" His voice started to get higher and deeper which scared me a little although I didn't want him to be able to take advantage of me like I was some type of wimp and wasn't going to stand up to him.

"Don't you dare talk to me about brave. You're the one who was scared when your a child to take up for you dead parents! And what? Now you took his place and doing the same god damn thing he is doing. You think your father would've proud? Also, you were brave enough to sit and lie to my face about killing my father, then try to have sex with me! You are sick. Take your damn money and don't ever speak to me again." I yelled at the top of my lungs. I threw the money at him. The words that came out of my mouth I never intended on ever saying. I think I have seriously fucked up.

He was banging on my door, demanding for me to let him in. I didn't want to cause I didn't want to face what I had just started, face him when I just said those things. That made me seem so heartless and I wasn't. I am not like that. All the frustration that has overpowered me in this past few weeks have just been bottled up in me and it all popped out on him. I didn't wan that to happen. "Miracle, open this fucking door!" I could hear him yell in anger. His pounding on the door was so hard that it shook it.

"Promise me that you won't do anything to me." I yelled over the hitting. He stopped.

"I promise." His voice normal now. I slowly unlocked the door and opened it. "I'm sorry." I immediately say when we were face to face. I could tell he was still mad. His veins were popping out of his head and neck. I bit my lip and looked down hoping that he would accept my apology. "What is your problem?" He asked.

"You're my problem, Don." I sighed after saying that. He turned around in frustration.

"What do you expect from me?" He questioned.

"The truth." The conversation got serious. He looked me into my eyes.

"Miracle, I did not kill your father."

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