Chapter 6

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I walked into the house expecting to see my father, expecting what she said was a lie. The living room TV was on. "I'm home." I said placing my book bag down. No response. I walked towards my room and closed my door. I flopped onto my bed and looked at the ceiling. Why couldn't I get him off my mind? Something about him intrigued me. That's when I heard a loud knock at the door. I got up and headed towards the front door. I poked my head into the living room and noticed that my father wasn't going to get it. I walked and opened it and there he was, my expression changed. "Who is it?" My father called out. I looked back at him and sighed, "Some dude." I replied.

My father appeared at the door looking at Don. "What are you doing here, son?" My father asked him.

"I'm here to see your daughter." He said, showing off his beautiful smile. My father looked at me and I shrugged. "What do you want with her?" He asked him.

"To talk to her, if that is okay with you." He said, trying to persuade my father.

"I know who you are. You're that dumb drug dealer that is always at that corner. Known for doing stuff that is illegal but hasn't been locked up yet. I don't want you stepping foot on this property again, you don't need to be talking to my daughter." He said bluntly before slamming the door in his face, then turned to me. "You brought that boy over here?" He asked me, anger in his voice.

"No." I shook my head. He looked at me and headed back to the living room. Something was different about him. I headed back to my room and flopped on my bed. Why did he show up at my door out of the blue? That's when a knock came to my window. I got up and looked out of it and there he was, standing there. I pulled up my window, "What do you want?" I asked.

"I want you, come on." He said holding out his hand.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. Did you not listen when I spoke to you?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"I listened, but I didn't care." He said, his hand still out. I was speechless. "What happened to you respecting women?" I asked now tapping my feet. He sighed and backed away from the window. "You coming or not?" He asked, annoyance in his voice.

"Not." I said closing my window back down. That is when he looked towards me, shock written on his face, but quickly changed into a smirk. "Goodnight, Good Girl." He mouthed before walking away. I bit the bottom of my lip somewhat regretting letting him go. I looked back towards my door and thought what do I have to lose? I quickly opened the window and looked out hoping he wasn't gone. "Changed your mind?" His voice startled me. He was leaned against the side of the house. He pushed himself off the house and held his hand out once again. Am I predictable? I looked at his hand and back at him. I sighed and grabbed it going out of the window. I pulled it down slightly so that I could have an entrance back in.

We walked to his car and he opened the door and I got in. The smell of Vanilla hit my nose again. He got into the car and started the ignition, but we only sat there. I turned to him, and he was looking at me. "What?" I asked him.

"You are so-called mad at me, but you're sitting inside of my car." He smirked. I bit the bottom of my lip, "Nervous?" He asked.

"No." I quickly responded.

"You're lying." He said, that smirk stayed on his face.

"How do you know?" I asked, annoyed.

"You bite your lip at certain moments." He informed me. I cursed to myself, Summer and Charles told me that I do that. "So, that doesn't mean anything. You're burning gas." I said turning back looking towards the front. He placed his hand under my chin facing him, at this moment my heart was beating. His face was only inches away from mine and I could feel his breath blowing in my face. I placed my hand on his wrist, removing his hand away from my face. He came closer, and this moment his forehead was on mines, and his eyes were towards my lips, then our nose...

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