Chapter 5

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"What is this?" I asked again.

"This is what happens when you don't pay your debts." Charles said staring straight at what was happening. I looked around at the people, and they looked familiar, they were the people that were with Don, his "boys". They all just watched as if it was okay, that this was normal. As if they saw this so often that it didn't even affect them.

There was blood coming from the boy's nose and mouth as punches continuously came to his face. "Where is my money?" Don asked, as he stopped punching him. The boy spit some blood from the side of his mouth, "I told you I don't have it." That's when another punch went across his face.

"What the fuck you be doing, nigga?" He yelled at him, his hand out ready to punch him again.

"I still have it, promise. If you want it back I'll give it to you." He pleaded his hands in the way of his fist.

"Ion want my shit back, I want my money." He yelled into his face. You could hear the anger, see the spit flying out of his mouth and the veins popping out of his head. "I-I-I'll give it to you tomorrow." He told him.

"I've given you oh so many chances. I extended your shit more than enough. I told you what would happen if you didn't give my money."

"But I always give it to you though!" He pleaded. Although Don didn't show any mercy. "Not on time." Don said lowly, reaching his hand into his back pocket pulling out a gun, I placed my hand over my mouth in shock. "Don't do it man, I have a family." Tears started to come from the boys face.

"I'll send your regards to your family then." He said before placing the gun on the dudes head, taking the safety off and pulling the trigger.


The sound was loud, and my ears started ringing. There was a lot of commotion going on and that's when Don looked towards me, "Now you know what I do." He mouthed, but I read his lips.

I was shocked, I didn't know how someone could be so heartless. I looked over at Summer and Charles and they were telling me to come on and go. I walked with them and I looked back and the innocent boy's body. I shook my head, holding it down as tears started to form in my eyes. I felt guilty, I maybe could have helped him.


For the rest of the night, that scene played through my head. I tossed and turned the whole night until I gave up. I looked at the time, 1:43 A.M. I smiled to myself noticing the time. I got up and went downstairs. It was dark so I knew my parents were sleep. I went into the kitchen to get some chips and went back into the living room watching Family Guy.

Although, the show wasn't taking my mind off of the scenes of that night. Hearing the sound of the gun go off. Watching as the poor boy's body slid down the side of the building leaving a trail of his blood. Remembering Don finally looking at me and saying 'Now you know what I do.' like it was nothing. Like killing that boy didn't even bother him. All that he cared about was his money. That boy looked no older than me. Hell, he looked younger. He probably got himself into something that he wasn't supposed to. What about his family? He could have knocked up a girl and had a baby. That baby won't even have a father. How could he not think about that? Something fell on my hand, I look down and it was a drop. That's when I noticed I was crying. I was sensitive about these type of situations.

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