Chapter 24

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I sighed and gave my mother the folder back. "Do you know them?" She questioned me.

"No, now take your medicine." I said not wanting her to know that I know. I knew if she knew who they were she would go to the police and tell them, and I wasn't ready just yet. I have her the medicine and was ready to leave out of there.

I took the dishes back to the kitchen and headed back up to my room. I had to tell somebody, and I knew the only person I could trust was Summer.

"Hey, Doll Face." She answered.

"I really need to talk to you, and you only." I was straightforward.

"You got it. I'll be right there." She said, about to hang up.

"No! I'm coming to you." I said before she could hang up. 

"Okay." She replied, then hung up. I got up and went to put my shoes back on. I wanted to pass by where Don and his boys were. Just to do so. I don't know exactly what I wanted, but I wanted to see them. When I headed out the door the events of Don and my fathers fight replayed in my head. I shook it off and headed towards Summer's house.

I was about to come up to the corner of Don usual spot when I heard yelling. I was curious although I didn't want to get into any mess. When I turned the corner Don had a gun pointed at some guys head. That's when I remember that night when Charles and Summer took me somewhere and showed me exactly what he does. He was doing it again. I knew it was no stopping him when he had his mind set on something. So I watched. Just like I did the other time. I felt so bad inside once again. I couldn't do anything for him. I wondered if it was about his money again. Or some other dumb thing. I remembered that he said he followed in the footsteps of his father, and I thought did his father actually do this? Would his father be proud of him that he was doing something like this? I wanted to talk to him and tell him everything that was going through my mind. That's when I heard the gunshot. It snapped me out of my thought.

The boys' brains splattered everywhere. His dead body slowly fell onto the ground and they bagged up away from him. Don rudely spat on his body before turning around, and when he did, he saw me.

Our eyes just locked eyes, and we both froze. I didn't exactly know what he was thinking cause the expression on his face was blank. I don't know if he was shocked that I saw what just happened or if he was pissed. That is when his "boys" took notice of what he was staring at and looked towards my way. Now it was just awkward silence. A boy's dead body on the ground and me being a witness to the events that just took place. I wouldn't be. I couldn't be... so I ran.

I ran back towards my house. I didn't know what I was thinking. I didn't exactly want to talk to Don at this moment, or them torturing me into keeping my mouth shut. I wanted nothing to do with them, cause the things they do are something I could never do. I would be the dumb one and get us all caught, so that is why I try to be a good girl and stay away from this type of stuff... guess it is too late for that. 

When I made it to my doorstep I was tired and out of breath. I searched in my pockets for my keys and that's when my shoulder was ruffly turned around and I was slammed into my front door. Dons bloody face met mine. He held me up against the door with his forearm. His body was pressed against mine. His hot breath was breathing down onto my face. I was afraid at this moment. I didn't know exactly what he was going to do or was going to say. I didn't believe that he would actually hit me or even try to. Like I'm a girl. I bit down on my lip as he just stared at me. He searched my eyes. I think he was trying to gather his words. "You're going to forget everything you saw tonight." His voice was deep and stern. I was getting afraid. 

I was struggling to get out of his grip, "Do you hear me?" He yelled into my face. I was speechless. All I could do was nod my head. Like a rush of fear exploded in me. I have never been in a situation like this and he has never done this to me. He bagged away from me, not taking his eyes off of me. He turned around when he reached the steps, "Don." I cursed myself out for saying anything. What did I want? He turned around towards me, his expression on his face hadn't changed. "Why?" I asked him.

He walked back up towards me the same distance as before, "It's what I do." He said plainly to me.

"But, why? Why did you kill those two boys? Why do you kill anyone? Do you want the blood of these innocent people on your hands?"

"They get into something that they can't handle. You fuck me over, I fuck you over. Simple as that." He explained to me. He was about to walk off but he said, "And I don't only fuck girls." He referenced towards fucking me over. I bit down on my bottom lip. I turned back around, continuing to search for my house key. When I got in I closed the door and slid down it with my back facing it. I wanted to cry right now. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to believe. It felt like the more days go by the more stuff gets pilled on me. I just wanted to give up.

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